Week 35

Day 240

I am speaking on behalf of myself. I fail and I fail a lot in life. I strive to do the right thing, I strive to be a great person, I strive to treat others respectfully, I strive to help others out, I strive to be better today than I was yesterday, I strive to bring joy to others, I strive to focus on the good, I strive to work hard, I strive to take care of myself, I strive to be a collaborative leader, I strive to always be MORE. 

But what happens when I fall short and do not meet those expectations?

Like me, I imagine you have had moments where what you hoped to do or accomplish didn't go as planned and was perceived in a manner that didn't align with your intent. 

WE ARE ALL HUMAN and WILL make mistakes and wrong people. I want to believe that it is without malice on most people's part when they disappoint or wrong others with their actions. As we navigate life, we should always remember the good of people and in good faith honor that goodness.

Day 241

I stumbled upon these webs when I was out for a walk. In this grassy area, there were many webs. I can only imagine the amount of work it takes to build a web and just how quick it can be destroyed by an animal running by or a human disturbing its anchors. I sat and stared at the designs and was in awe of what nature offers. Last week I referenced that everything we need is found in nature without thinking that artwork could be a part of it. If we take the time to truly look, we will see design, architecture, shapes, and hundreds of color shades.

Day 242

This was a perfect find at the perfect time. I didn't think of this as removing a problem but rather as the challenges that cross my path. I need to remind myself that when it seems impossible, it is possible and I will persevere. In my case, this often accompanies sleepless nights, obsessive problem-solving sessions, and the fear that it will not improve. I am proof that I have done some really hard things in life and am here to tell you about them. When I thought I couldn't, I found out that I could and I did but not without the grace of God.

Day 243

OK, Greg told me that my baggy pants (that are in style right now) are like parachute pants from the 1980's. I have the wide-legged linen pants that are super comfortable and stylish in my opinion, but he absolutely hates them. He never comments on my clothing, but he sure has a strong dislike for my pants. 
When he brought up parachute pants, I recalled owning a pair like the ones below (except they were not so shiny). I am pretty sure I thought I was a cool cat wearing those pants because I remember loving them. When I think of those pants today, I instantly think of how sweaty one must have gotten in them!  Funny thing how styles evolve and at the moment they seem like the best thing. 

ONE trend I WILL NEVER jump on - the CROCS! Sorry to all of my Croc-loving friends out there (and I know I have a lot). I just can't do it! You would be more likely to see me in the parachute pants below over a pair of Crocs. 

Day 244

How often do you get stuck in the past?

For me, the past is usually a day or two. I reflect on the words I have spoken and whether or not I acted in the manner in which I wish to live my life. I despise waking up in the middle of the night only to think about what I want to forget. I think our brains are always trying to make sense of the world around us and when we feel out of sorts and don't feel we were able to bring closure to an event or situation, we develop a physical response. 

Although I believe that reflection is an essential skill for growth, I wished there was a turn-off or block button allowing me to live in the moment rather than question and second-guess my previous words or actions. What I do know.... is that this is an area of challenge for me which will require continuous practice. My mental energy is just as valuable as my physical energy and it should be preserved for what is transpiring today.

Day 245

We stopped at 701 Eateries (Camp Lone Tree) in Fargo and the boys' drinks were delivered in an Igloo cooler which they thought was pretty cool. It is so nice to be so close to the boys. Although it was a quick trip, we won't complain anytime we can see any of our children. 

Day 246

Morning vibes at Pipestem in Jamestown. Low lying fog and a 48-degree morning leave a landscape that is picturesque. I find so much enjoyment in nature while trying to capture the true essence of God's creation, I think I should have been a nature photographer!


To another week ahead as we are nearing my FAVORITE season of all - FALL!


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