Fifty - 50


When I was 15, I thought 50 was old.

When I was 20, I thought 50 was old.

When I was 25, I thought 50 was old.

When I was 30, I thought 50 was oldish.

When I was 35, I thought 50 wasn't too old.

When I was 40, I thought 50 wasn't old at all.

When I was 45, I thought 50 would be quite an honor to celebrate.

One's age doesn't define who you are, what you can do, what you stand for, and what you want to do with your life. As you all know, I always find a way to keep life interesting and moving along.

So, as I was nearing my 50th birthday, I thought I might consider a new opportunity and took a principal position in Fargo. As if moving to Fargo in June and starting my new position in July were not enough of a challenge, I decided to begin training for a trail race. 

Last year, I became injured when training for a race that Greg and his brother were going to run and I was so disappointed. However, I found the silver lining and realized that running a 50K the year I turn 50 would be much more meaningful than running a 50K when I was 49.

So, long story short, I was able to remain healthy and finish my first and likely last 50K this past weekend. Greg was at each aid station asking what I needed or what he could get me. My brother, Mike, and his wife, Jenna, and one of their kids, Elle, cheered me on for the last long lap. I was so grateful for their support. 

Some of the thoughts that crossed my mind while running longer than a typical work day.....

-just make it to the next mile

-seriously, another hill

-why did I ever think I could finish running a 50K

-should I listen to Christmas music????

-I thought this was a rolling-hills-kind-of-race

-thank goodness it didn't snow or rain today

-how can some of these people talk and run at the same time

-well..... a grandpa (like as in 75 years old) just passed me 

-pretty sure I will lose a toenail or two

-is mile 1.5 too early to start walking

-I'm not trying to win this race, I am just trying to finish

-if I have to eat one more energy gel, I might be sick

-just make it to the next mile

-never tried a banana, fruit snacks, Coke, peanuts, Goldfish, or applesauce during a training run, but why not give it a whirl during the race sounds like a good idea

-why is my vest filled with a whole lot of stuff (GU energy gel, water, Skratch, energy chews, electrolyte salt tabs, Jolly Ranchers, Kleenex, Honey Stinger) when there are some runners with a water bottle only

-oh my gosh, why would they make a sign that tells you the next mile is the hardest mile of the race (and I know I have to do it twice)

-wait, it didn't occur to me that I would have to dodge a snake on the trail

-KT tape is a gift to older bodies (it somehow kept my ankles and knees pain free)

-Hoka trail running shoes are the bomb

-Christmas music makes everything better

-Skin Glide is even better than KT tape

-Peak fall colors in Minnesota are just gorgeous

-Seeing family at an aid station brings so much comfort and the will to keep going

-if I can finish one loop, I can certainly finish another

-it is ok to walk if your legs can no longer run

-this 50-year-old body has changed a lot in the last couple of years, but it allowed me to fulfill one of my bucket list dreams- now, that is a gift so many are not afforded.


Even though, I can not sit down, walk up or down stairs, barely move without cringing, I am entirely overcome with joy that I am given the ability to move, walk, and run. 

Fifty is great

50 can bring new adventures

50 can bring change 

and most importantly, 50 can bring a whole lot of goodness. 

Do not let age determine what you can or what you perceive you cannot do, because you are destined for so much more than you think!


Take care my friends


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