Week 47-49

 Days 324-344

Oh, the holidays and the joy they bring. I have taken the last few weeks to prepare for Thanksgiving and Christmas. We hosted Thanksgiving which as always never disappoints. Amazing smoked turkey (prepared by Greg), ham, and all the extras (mostly prepared by Ireland and Landen). We are so grateful our children help out because hosting Thanksgiving is a lot of work and with their help, it is completely doable. Truth be told, Aiden and I are along for the Thanksgiving morning mimosas. 

Our niece joined us with her 3-month-old and it was fun for my children to meet her and engage with her. It is crazy to think we will have a baby in our family in a few months. 

 Little Kendall Joy was a gem all day and enjoyed being held and passed around. 

She is a sweet girl and is loved by so many. She is one blessed baby. 

Family means everything to me. It is rare we are all able to be together under one roof for any length of time. It was a lovely Thanksgiving and we look forward to the next time we will all be together.

We all know this is our final holiday with Samson. We are giving him as much love as possible before he leaves our family. He has been with us for almost 16 years and it will be hard to say goodbye. 

When we got him, Greg was at a coaching conference in Deadwood, SD. Landen, Aiden, and I went to the pet store to look at puppies. I had noticed they had Shih Tzus and if we were to ever get another dog, it would have to be a small dog. 
Long story short, we fell in love with the most mellow puppy and so, I called Greg to get his approval. He didn't answer .......... well, in our impulsive state of mind, we purchased him and brought him home. When Greg called back, I told him it was too late to gain his approval because the transaction was complete and the unnamed puppy was in our backyard.
Greg ignored him for the first week and then fell in love with him as well. Greg and Samson have become best buddies and he will be missed.

Coffee and scone date with Ireland on Black Friday. Gingerbread scone for the win. 

 The tree-lit streets that come alive during the holidays are one of my favorite sights in Jamestown. It just changes how you feel as you drive through the majestic trees of sparkling goodness. 


Speaking of goodness - there is a whole lot of that in this 3D ultrasound. Due to Ireland's heart condition, she sees more doctors and has more appointments than the average. BUT..... the positive side is the multiple pictures we have been able to see of Baby S Abfalter. She is already loved so much by us all and we cannot wait to meet her. 

Technology is amazing - what they are able to do with modern medicine fascinates me. 

Planning fun activities for staff is my jam. I love to show them how much I appreciate all that they do. Teaching in 2022 is not an easy task and those who show up every day and give it their all for the benefit of others should know and feel that they are valued. 

Two of my favorites in life: Medora and Christmas! Greg and I attended the Christmas musical in Medora. It did not disappoint and was filled with old traditional songs as well as newer songs. 

As you and your family enter into the chaos of the season, do not forget why we celebrate Christmas. I am guilty at times of getting wrapped up in the commercialism of the holidays and I know my focus needs to center around the reason we celebrate. 

The Jungs (minus Landen and plus my Uncle Rick) are going on a Christmas vacation and leaving the great state of North Dakota. Stay tuned!!!!!



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