Week 17

 Day 115

I love this more than anything and the older I get the more I value simplicity and downsizing (although I am not ready to downsize my closet of shoes). 

I value less stuff and more meaningful time spent with those I care about. Money can certainly buy more tangible items, but the newness and novelty wear off pretty quickly; however, memories made with loved ones supersedes all 'the stuff.'

Day 116

Some of you may disagree with this video but I found a lot of truth in it. 

How many of us actually 'need' for anything?

I would ascertain that most of us need absolutely nothing but might want some things. Life in America has blessed us with so much. 

Think about how many times you went without food, without clean water, without warm clothes, without adequate housing.............I would guess very few if any have experienced this state of being.

As the gentleman in the video stated, we must do hard things to counterbalance the constant influx of dopamine we receive on a daily or hourly basis. 

Go do something hard today.........................your mind will thank you!

Day 117

I would rate this book a 5-star book - so worth the read. 
I am always amazed at how authors can write in such a way that they can surprise their readers in the end and I didn't see it coming. Maybe I am just slow to the game and don't pick up on the subtle hints embedded with the book, but the ending certainly was not expected.

Day 118

When we think we become an expert and believe we know it all, we need to be done. Even the most skilled individuals always have something to learn and can grow in their field or their practice. I hope I never lose my passion for learning and always strive to be more, do more, and acquire knowledge. 

The day I think I have it 100% figured out is the day I stop growing. 

Day 119



Wowzers - that is a profound statement! No other words of mine will make an impact as strong as the ones in the video. 

Day 120

Thunder Coffee in West Fargo. Love the vibe and atmosphere on this rainy day. Had I not needed to head to a training for school I would have spent the morning here reading my new book. Coffee shops bring me so much joy and happiness. There is nothing like walking into the shop and being bombarded with the delicious scent of fresh-brewed coffee. 

Going back to having less stuff, this coffee shop experience is an example of me having less. Even though coffee prices are through the roof and I shouldn't have to spend $6.50 on an oat milk latte, I will continue to do so because I find such peace and calm in the space and there is no price you can put on that feeling.

Day 121

I am excited to celebrate the staff at Washington Elementary. I work with some great people and am so excited to celebrate the week with them. They deserve so much more than a week because of all that they have done this school year. Being a teacher is hard and working in a school has its challenges but at the same time there are so many rewards.

I appreciate those that commit to showing up every day and working diligently to better the lives of our youth. 

Washington Wolverine Staff - I am so thankful for you!


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