Week #52


Apologies for this week's post as there will be a ridiculous amount of photos.  'Tis the holiday season!

Well, I managed to slowly and painstakingly finish these truck cookies.  Both Aiden and Greg told me that it was a waste of time and seemed like way too much work.  I will agree that the tedious work and mess was likely not worth the outcome; however, I almost finished the last two seasons of The Ranch on Netflix while decorating these bad boys.  So, I will call that a win!

I notice this more than ever as I age.  The holiday season beginning in November spanning through the New Year does not bring joy, peace, and love for many people.  I have been so incredibly lucky to experience all of these emotions during the majority of seasons celebrated; whereas many individuals are burdened with broken families, financial hardships, absent parents or intentional withdrawal from all holiday happenings.  I remain mindful of those who feel burdened by the weight of the holiday season.  Just because I deem this as 'The most wonderful time of the year' does not mean others feel the same.


The intricate design behind each snowflake amazes me every time I am fortunate enough to observe them in such a magnified view.  This photo was taken from a side mirror in Aiden's car as we were driving to Wal-Mart for the hundredth time in the last few days (host Christmas dinner - they say it will be fun).  Had his car been parked in the garage, we would not have experienced the beauty of this sophisticated elegance.

Then one foggy Christmas Eve, Santa came to say.......

Greg pointed out that this might be the first foggy Christmas Eve we have ever experienced.  
Yet, the temperatures were mild enough to go for a walk.  I'm not sure I could have requested a more lovely, frost-covered day.  

I CAN'T EVEN.................................
Our church on Christmas Eve service.  It truly doesn't get any better than this!  So much calm and peace in God's presence.


All three of my kids under one roof prepping for the 5-course Christmas meal.  So much happiness in one photo.  Unfortunately, Greg, the master chef, is under the weather and the four of us will attempt to pull this off.  


Aiden and Jack describing the meat and cheese board!

Tech coach Greg whipped up this holiday menu. 

Thank goodness his illness didn't prevent him from getting up at 4 am to put the turkey in the smoker or to carve this savory delight.  Pretty sure the family would have been disappointed had the turkey been left up to my culinary skills.  
A gargantuan thank you to Landen who did not sit down for A LONG TIME making sure this meal was flawless.

Macy, Aiden, Ireland, and Jack

Isn't it funny how everyone hangs out in the kitchen?????

As we were sitting around the table discussing upcoming travel plans this summer, I checked my phone and look what I discovered.  

What could be more perfect - 5:18 on Christmas Day!

In all circumstances, be grateful for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.  
~Thessalonians 5:18

I will admit there are times when I see 5:18 and I question the verse above - for example when I am still at school working at 5:18 or waiting to check out at the grocery store at 5:18. In those moments,  I should be overjoyed I have a career that provides me with happiness and financial stability or that I have a vehicle to get me to the store, that I have the ability to walk into the store without assistance, and that I have people at home to prepare a meal for.  Changing one's mindset can make all the difference.

This 5:18 on the birth of our Lord and Savior, I didn't need to remind myself of life's greatest circumstances

- sitting around the table with the ones I love - 

there is nothing more I would desire.


Coffee Lover's dream come true!

As you all know, I am a coffee aficionado.  Well, this year I found some pretty fantastic coffee houses that brought me great joy.  Greg scoured through my blog, found my faves, and ordered coffee beans from each place.  

Can one overdose on caffeine - asking for a friend?


When I started having children years ago (26 to be exact), I envisioned them to become something big or something grand in terms of their careers, families, homes..........  Boy was I wrong!  I no longer desire for my kids to be something big or grand, I desire for them to be God-loving humans who are kind and empathetic to others and have a heart like Jesus.  That means so much more than the car they drive, the items in their homes, or the college degree they acquire. 

 If you would have asked me MY goals and aspirations 25 years ago, they would have included materialistic items, such as a nicely decorated house and a job that pays me well.  Oh, how my vision has changed since raising children and deepening my faith.  I truly want to build a relationship with Jesus and hope that I instilled that in my children.

All three of my children are wonderful young adults who are just beginning their journey toward finding out who they truly are and their purpose on this earth.  As for now, they are 'really good people' and that fills me with content and happiness.



Aiden and I had a blast skiing on Red Lodge Mountain. The day was filled with mid-teen temperatures and light snowfall all day.  Even though the chair lifts were a tad chilly, the scenic landscape balanced out the numbness felt in my fingers and toes.

If you are wondering why Greg didn't join us on the slopes, he was still unable to get out of bed.  We were hoping to come home to a house that had been scrubbed from top to bottom so we don't catch whatever it is that he has.  In our two days away, he managed to move from the bed to the couch.  Slow and steady progress - thank goodness for Christmas break to get healthy.  


Well, I completed 2019 miles in the year 2019, just barely.  One of my goals for 2019 was to engage in activities that kept me moving, and my goal in 2020 will be much the same because there will come a time (hopefully much later in my life) when simple everyday movements will require a lot more effort.

I am just a regular lady who wants to continue enjoying life with all its wonderful people and places.


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