Final day of 2019!


Just when you thought...................... she cannot possibly have anything else to say about coffee.  

Along came the Chemex - Aiden's Christmas gift.

When he asked for this set-up (so, he would have good coffee in college), the first image that appeared in my head was Walter from Breaking Bad cooking crystal meth in his RV.
The Chemex is considered a pour-over coffee (I'm really not sure what that means, but from the video I would assume it means the water is poured directly on the coffee grounds - just saying a drip coffee maker does the same and it is done automatically).

I am not sure if Aiden has thought about his potential roommate and how he might feel about a look-a-like meth lab in their dorm room or the sound of the grinder at 7 am.  Who am I kidding - this coffee will never be made before 7 am, unless he feels the need to brew one when he rolls in from a fun night out.


I almost cannot believe the day, year, and decade will be over in a few short hours.  Over Christmas break last year, I had this wild idea to capture a picture a day and then blog about it.  The intent was to find the positive and beauty in a world that encompasses all of us.  

I went to candlelight yoga this morning and the instructor asked us to think of two things we accomplished in the year 2019.  She reminded us to be proud of those accomplishments.  I first thought of this blog.  I took 365 pictures (some are pictures of pictures) and finished the task set forth by my own doing.  I enjoy writing every Sunday, but just like this decade, all good things must come to an end. 

As I reflect on 2019.............................these are my takeaways.

~life is all about perception
~how we feel is 100% controlled by us
~not one single human is perfect
~God has a plan for each of us
~we all have flaws that make us undeniably unique
~sadness is an emotion that should be experienced
~look long and deep and you will find beauty
~parents never stop worrying about their children (even when they are adults)
~hair color is a must-have for some of us
~sometimes life is not what we anticipated
~an old car that still runs efficiently is equivalent to a new car
~coffee is one of life's greatest pleasures
~never apologize for self-care
~Hallmark channel is pretty fantastic from the end of October through the New Year
~time with family is never guaranteed
~gossip can be the demise of a relationship
~nap with no regrets
~you are never too old to go back to school
~resiliency is key to adaptation
~a clean house is lovely but not necessary
~there are sooooo many wonderful people in this world
~kids are watching every move you make
~a good pair of athletic shoes is mandatory
~it is ok to be angry (just don't stay there)
~your daily mindset is crucial
~Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, Disney+ - who would have thought
~compliments cost you nothing
~teenagers can actually be delightful
~listen more, talk less
~true crime podcasts are where it's at
~if you have your health, you are very lucky
~leave your comfort zone (even if it is short-lived)
~read and then read some more
~if it doesn't bring you joy - eliminate it from your life (this includes toxic people)
~go out of your way to make someone else's day
~adventure awaits 
~no shame in eating an entire bag of Cheetos
~acceptance allows you to be who you are designed to be
~outside appearances are not always what they seem
~to-do lists are super helpful when you become 40 something
~surround yourself with honest people who hold you accountable
~get outdoors and experience nature
~motherly instinct is a thing
~pray for those you love but also your enemies
~every morning you open your eyes is a day to be treasured
~faith is the root of my existence 


A great big thank you to each of you who took the time to read my blog whether it was one time, several times, or each week.  Your comments are much appreciated and give me hope that my words have inspired you in some way.

Even though the weekly blog post with a picture a day has come to an end, I do anticipate posting photos if they have touched my heart or soul, as they may do the same for you. 

Much love 💗

Until next time................................................  Happy New Year 🎉 to you all!


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