Week #44


I know there are several of you out there that are thinking - OH, she is one of those kinds of people.  And YES - I am.
When those, December-only holiday decorators, see some of us put up our decorations early, they usually are annoyed and believe we fell into the trap of holiday commercialism.

I would like to explain my rationale for early holiday decorating.

There is a feeling I get when I decorate the house for the holidays.  It is a feeling of comfort, peace, and nostalgia!  The naysayers will argue that decorating early gives people permission to forget the meaning of Thanksgiving.  I believe that a fully decorated house only enhances the Thanksgiving holiday with feelings of goodness.  Studies show that putting up holiday decorations brings about feelings of childhood (when life was magical, full of wonder, and absent of responsibilities).  

So..............no judging those early decorators because we are just trying to create a sense of comfort, peace, and nostalgia for a little bit longer than the rest and who wouldn't want to do that in the stressful, chaotic world in which we live?


This resilient lady left our earthly world after 99 years.  This is the last time Greg and I visited Grandma Cecelia together in the nursing home.  She still remembered us both and was as sweet as ever (and of course cold).   


Well, it has been a tough week at the Jung household.

This beautiful woman, my grandmother Helen (aka Nana), passed away Wednesday morning at the age of 96.  

Greg and I had two grandparents remaining and we lost them both within 24 hours.  They both lived wonderful long lives and their deaths are actually a blessing as they both resided in nursing homes. 

This lady lost her mother when she was a toddler and grew up with a stern step-mother.  She vowed to make a better life for her children than she ever had.  She and grandpa raised some incredible children who went on to become amazing parents themselves.  


Attention all educators or those of you wanting to understand autism a bit more.  This series on Netflix is pretty fantastic and delves into the teenage world of a boy with autism.  It is light-hearted and humorous while depicting the daily challenges these individuals face.  Add this to your list if you haven't already watched it.  Season 3 just came out!


Note the snow-covered hills.  Pretty sure that means that I must listen to Christmas music on my way to South Dakota.  Just like it is never too early to put up Christmas decorations - I am certain that it is never too early to listen to Christmas music.



This day was filled with numerous stories of two wonderful human beings.  We gathered in a circle and not only shared stories of our nana but also our grandpa (Stan) who passed 4 1/2 years ago.  We laughed and we cried and we reminisced and then we laughed and cried and reminisced some more.  These love birds taught us so many life lessons about faith and family and leaving a legacy.  

The legacy I would like to share that has been passed down from gpa and nana is the annual Beartooth Mountains camping trip.  I grew up going to the mountains (which I hated by the way) and I thought it was just my mom and dad's thing.  Come to find out, gpa and nana started that tradition decades before my existence.  My family continued to travel to the mountains each and every year long after I left the house, but my husband started to join them and when my children were old enough they began to make the trip as well.  Some of my boys' favorite memories are 'going to the mountains.'  Had grandpa never started this tradition years ago and had my parents not continued it, my own children would have never experienced the true beauty and solace the mountains have to offer.  The morning sacrament (or Stan juice) became a tradition in the mountains. 

Grandpa and nana would always host several families when we decided to take our annual ski trip to Terry Peak.  I grew up learning how to ski from grandpa (he was a saint, by the way, to teach all of his grandkids how to ski).  Nana would always send us off with a hot, hearty breakfast, sandwiches and fun-sized Snickers bars for lunch, and comfort food for dinner.  Spending time skiing with my cousins and roaming gpa and nana's house brings back such fond memories of my childhood.  We were truly blessed with lovely grandparents who taught us many life lessons.

Nana is finally reunited with her "Stan: The Man" once again and I imagine it was a glorious reunion.


Oh - fun was had by all at the post-funeral festivities. The evening was spent enjoying 'Stan juice' and other refreshments, playing card games like nana would have loved, and just plain fun.  

My aunt Laurie is the ring-leader, master of fun.  She makes sure we all participate and enjoy our time.  Thank you Laurie for keeping us all young and full-of-childlike energy.  'Till next time (which I hope is a sisters' and their daughters' cruise).

 Take time to cherish and enjoy life today - there is no promise of tomorrow!


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