Week #39


Relaxing in the hammock on a Monday afternoon!  There are times that our backyard feels like we are hundreds of miles out in the middle of the woods and it is quite serene.  The backyard is what attracted Greg to our home.  When he looked out the patio door, it was over.  It truly didn't matter what the rest of the house looked like because Greg loved the backyard.  Now that our kids are grown and almost gone, I can think back to the fond memories of all of the fun, family moments that took place.  Our backyard has been transformed into a campground, a golf course, farmland, an all-terrain bike park, a ski resort, a water park, a climbing course, a pet cemetery and so much more.  Fifteen years of memories!


Parenting is filled with joyous moments, as well as challenges.  I have learned that it does not matter if your child is 2 or 22.  There are struggles that we, the parents, cannot solve or fix (nor should we - as hard as that is).  I realize those are important life lessons that kids must experience, but as a parent, they are the most difficult to watch and see unfold.  All three of my children are now adults; however, I anticipate the trials will forever exist, along with beautiful moments of growth and happiness.


OH, how I love my daily Diet Coke. However, I do realize just how bad it is, so I am going on week number three of NO DIET COKE.  
After a couple of morning headaches, I have to say that I really do not miss it. 
Pretty sure I do not have the self-control to give up coffee though (which I will not even attempt anytime soon).  Life is just too short to give up all of life's pleasures.


Crisp and Green - 50th and France in Edina
*Very similar to Mad Greens which I also enjoy.
I just love when healthy food choices are readily available.  So delicious!  Worth a stop if you want a quick salad.


Travel coffee update!  
As I have mentioned before, one of our main goals when outside of Dickinson is to find a new coffee shop.  Well, we found another good one in the cities.  
Dogwood Coffe Co.  
Great atmosphere - outdoor seating - what more could you ask for on a beautiful fall morning.


Aiden's cheer club at the Griak!  What a blessing the many people that made the trip across the state line to watch this kid run.  Another wonderful day of watching my senior compete.
Pure happiness = family and cross country!

Just a few hundred runners!


Farmer's Market!  Even though the weather is a bit drizzly, it was a lovely outing.  I love these bunches of flowers.  I am always surprised at the cheap cost of these bundles - $5.00.  The intricacies of each individual flower are perfectly layered with complex patterns, which almost seem impossible to recreate.  Such beauty!  


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