Week #38


Morning low-lying fog is so peaceful.  I love it when it almost looks as though there is an ocean up ahead.  I secretly imagine I am heading to the ocean that is filled with sunshine and relaxation instead of my job.  I actually enjoy going to work, but not all days are filled with abundant sunshine and relaxation (just sometimes 😀😀😀).  However, I wouldn't get to experience this peace if I were not going to work.  God has a way of providing what I need, when I need it!



Anxiety:  noun
  1. a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent 
  2. event or something with an uncertain outcome.

Because I struggle with anxiety,  I thought I completely understood the meaning, until I read this quote above.  
I am a habitual worrier and for some reason, I think my worrying is going to change the outcome (Greg has reminded me for years that all of that extra worry will never change a thing).  This quote made me stop and evaluate why I have anxiety and how I attempt to control it.

I worry about my children = anxious feelings & behaviors
  I am impatient and I want a solution right now = anxious feelings & behaviors
I cannot fix something I think I should be able to = anxious feelings & behaviors
I worry about the future = anxious feelings & behaviors
I am sometimes overwhelmed with all of my daily duties = anxious feelings & behaviors
Notice that I not only addressed the feelings, but also the behaviors that exist with anxiety.  Anxious behaviors include:

snappy/snarky attitude (This is when Greg forwarns the kids that mom is in a mood)

Trust in the plan that is laid out for you because it is the most perfect plan.  All the worry in the world will not alter the outcome............so, why waste so much energy and time when you were made for so much more. 

 I practice this each and every day. 
It is a work in progress, but it is within reach - one day at a time.

 Do not waste time worrying about tomorrow because there is no guarantee
or promise anyone of us will be here.   


I did not know that squirrels are part of the rodent family.  
Mice are part of the rodent family as well, but I surely wouldn't have stopped to take a picture.  I actually love to watch a squirrel open acorn after acorn and stash them away.  How cool that God designed our world for every living creature.  He designed trees that produce at the ideal time so the animals can stockpile food to survive the tough winter months.  He also designed deer to have a coat that allows them to withstand bitterly cold temperatures and brutally hot weather.   
Truly amazes me!


Very little needs to be said about this picture other than, we, as a society, are not doing our children or adult children any favors when we do everything for them.  It is hard to watch a loved one fail, but if we continually do it for them, they will never fail, which equates to...............they will never learn.  


Friday Night Lights!

As I watched the Midgets warm-up for the second half, I reminisced about the days my boys played football.  I truly love football and had hoped one or both of my boys would have played until they graduated.  Landen made it through his junior year and Aiden hung up his cleats in elementary school.  What I have come to understand is that it really does not matter what sport or activity my child chooses to participate in......

cross country

because I genuinely enjoy watching my children be passionate about something.

They have all three learned some amazing life lessons while involved in extracurricular activities.


Winning and losing builds character and as a new day begins, possibilities and opportunities await. 


Just the beginning!

FALL- my favorite season.  There is something about the changing of seasons that is somewhat therapeutic.  It seems that when one season ends and another begins, it is a signal of change.  That change is not inclusive to our weather and temperature, but also to changes in us.  It is almost as if a new season is a restart.  We often only think of New Year's as the time to start fresh and change our undesirable ways, which statistically, 80 percent of us will fail to achieve.  So, why wait for an entire year to pass without setting another goal.  You have spring, summer, fall, and winter to potentially make some positive and life-changing decisions.  

Do not procrastinate until a new season approaches, but rather how about today or any day.  


This is my second year participating in the Run the Year.  The premise is that you run/walk 2019 miles in the year 2019.  I count all miles I accumulate in a day (which I usually accrue at least two miles at work), then I add in my intentional workout miles.  As you can see, I have 100 days left in the year, which means I have to average 5.08 miles to reach my goal.  I know it is possible, but there are just some days that I do not want to get moving.  For example, yesterday I only moved 1.47 miles and that included a trip to the store to buy my fall decorations (ugh).

I have to remind myself that we all have good days and bad days and that is ......................... OK!

Have a great week ahead everyone!  


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