The ten dollar bill

What can you do with a ten dollar bill???

Well, I can tell you that I am a professional shopper so I know I could find a number of places to spend my 10 dollars. 
     - a pair of socks
     - one gallon of 1% milk (btw in ND a gallon of milk is $5.28 right now)
     - finger nail polish
     - bag of licorice and a diet coke (maybe even two bags of licorice and two
       diet cokes)
     - coffee date with a friend
     - 3 gallons of gas
You get the point.  The options are endless even in Dickinson where the price of everything seems to continue to rise, but yesterday I chose to spend my ten dollar bill on something a little different. 

As I was leaving Wal-Mart, there was a gentlemen standing on the corner asking for help.  I will be honest, I normally do not give to these people as there seems to be an endless amount of them on the corners of Wal-Mart.  Well today was different, for some reason I told Ireland that we should give him money.  I said if the light stays red and we won't back up traffic we should give him some money.  It stayed red for a short time and Ireland jumped out of the van and handed the money to the man.  He told her thanks and she told him to have a good day. 

As we were driving away, I told Ireland that where he spends that money is not important to me.  So we left and continued on with our day. 

Later that evening I saw a post on Facebook about a car that has been parked in the Wal-Mart parking lot for many days off and on asking for gas money or any form of help.   I have definitely seen this car myself and wondered if I should have stopped and given them money or food.  The post generated over a hundred emails when I was reading it and I'm sure by today there are probably over two hundred because it seemed everyone had a comment to make about these swindlers.  Most of the comments were very negative and unfortunately I found myself starting to think like so many of them - negatively.  

Hours later, I continued to have this nagging feeling of whether or not to help these people as it seems some of these pan-handlers may make more money than I do in a day.  The beautiful thing about my short-lived negativity, I knew I did the right thing and my daughter saw it.  I really don't care to be honest where he spent our ten dollar bill because I was grateful that God has blessed my family with the financial means to give a mere ten dollar bill and a heart to do it.  That ten dollar bill will exchange hands hundreds of times between all walks of life over the years to come and I just hope it can bless someone else along the way.   It is not my place to judge someone asking for money on the corner because I have no idea what kind of life they have lived or what their future holds. 

What I do know is that that ten dollar bill left my hand, then Ireland's hand, and is now in the hands of a unknown man who without a doubt walks a much harder life than we do!


In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.  ~Acts 20:35


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