Nieces and Nephews

There are 14 nieces and nephews in our immediate family. I am not sure if that is a lot compared to other families, but we feel so blessed to have this many wonderful people in our lives. They range in age from 2-21 and each have a unique personality. As I sit and write and glance at the pictures, I cannot help but to get a smile on my face thinking about all the great moments we have spent with this crew.Camping trips, baseball games, holidays, Medora, bike races, and marathons are on the short list of activities in which we have had time to spend with our nieces and nephews.

Even though they each have a unique personality, there is one thing in common....THEY ARE ALL SO COOL!!! These young adults and kids come up in many of our daily conversations. It is amazing how much we laugh and reminisce about what one of them said, what they did, or "do you remember when ________ did that?"

A recent moment a think about happened during Christmas in Spearfish. As I was surfing the Internet on Christmas Eve morning, I came across a Santa Tracker website. I brought up the site and gathered some of the kids around to show them. It was a pretty "cheezy" website showing where Santa was at with his sleigh around the world. The kids thought it was the coolest thing ever. The rest of the day, they kept asking...."Uncle Greg, where is he at now?",........"Uncle Greg, what is he saying now?", and a myriad of other questions related to the website. It was so neat to see the excitement of the kids over something so simple.

Cherish the nieces and nephews in your life and the simple memories they create for us.



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