Week 44

 Day 303

Knowing yourself is crucial to everyday happiness. I believe that we often put ourselves behind everyone else (especially as women). When you experience either positive or negative feelings, it is essential that you recognize those feelings and make sense of them. The positive experiences are easy to compartmentalize; however, the negative feelings can lead to negative responses. 
Whether you are feeling....
it is imperative that you evaluate each feeling. How often do you really sit down and think about your own feelings? I would guess you ask your children, spouse, family members, or friends how they are feeling but forget about yourself. 

If you continue to feel disappointment in a relationship, it would seem logical to evaluate the value of that relationship and whether or not you should commit your time.
If you often feel overwhelmed, learn to say 'no' to those events that drain your energy and 'yes' to those that make you feel at peace. 
If you feel anxious, well..... I've got nothing for you because anxiety is usually stuffed with irrational fears and each individual must find calming strategies that work for them.


Day 304

 I don't like haunted houses, I don't like scary things, and I don't like horror movies. 
So, it is safe to assume that Halloween is not my favorite holiday. I will say that I liked it much more when our kids were little and we dressed them up and walked the neighborhood (usually freezing). 

In honor of Halloween being on Monday, I decided to decorate cookies for the staff. In hindsight, I should have brought the cookies the day after Halloween as that is usually a much tougher day. 

Halloween should be changed to the last Friday of the month. The individual who originally chose October 31st surely wasn't an educator.

Day 305

It is November 1st and it is 72 degrees on my late afternoon walk. In North Dakota, warm fall days are a gift and should be celebrated as we all know, cold weather is right around the corner. For now, I will celebrate the sunshine and warmth until it dissipates.

Day 306

This is the exact set I had as a child. I remember making every combination of outfits and then coloring and cutting them out. I made them into paper dolls. 

Oh, how we loved our bicycles in the 1980s. Outside of riding it for hours around town (with no helmet), I would play ice cream shop with mine. I would flip it upside down and turn the wheels with the pedals. As I reflect on my former play, I am unsure of why I thought a turning wheel replicated the making of ice cream. It is crazy how I have very vivid memories of this specific activity (which I remember playing a lot).

The blow-up Barbie furniture was actually genius. It took up very little space when deflated and could be shoved into the plastic-covered Barbie case.

Day 307

Take a moment and think about if you were to expire tomorrow, can you say that you have lived a life full of purpose. So often we use our career, financial status, or health to determine if we feel we 'have made it.'
What does it mean 'to make it?'
Each one of us might identify one or more constructs that help us define whether or not we have a fulfilling life.
Life isn't about how many friends you have, how much money is in your bank account, if you climbed the career ladder, how many times you attended a church service, what car you drive, the accolades you received, or how many well-balanced meals you served.

So.....what can you confidently and honestly say you have done with your life?
Have you lived a life full of integrity?
Have you helped others?
Have you engaged in activities that bring you joy?
Have you shared your gifts and talents with the world?
Have you invested in yourself both physically and mentally?
Have you contributed to society in a positive way?
Have you built meaningful relationships?
Have you 'made it?'

Day 308

I have never considered the POWER of two little words - yes & no.

When to say 'yes'......

when it brings you joy
when it will help others
when you feel fulfilled
when you want to
when it aligns with your morals and values
when you feel led to do it

When to say 'no'.....

when you feel overwhelmed
when you feel obligated
when you don't value the task
when you value yourself and your time
when you feel pressured
when you are feeling uneasy

Don't apologize for saying 'no' -just remember that you have the POWER!

Day 309

Well, these "LOSERS" were so close to escaping. What did we learn?

1. Don't let your pride get in the way
2. Ask for clues much earlier than 30 minutes into the escape
3. We have great problem-solving skills but missed some of the small details
4. Don't pull the bison off the wall
5. Read, read, and read again the paperwork that is placed around the room
6. Losers can have a lot of fun
Have a great week ahead friends and family! 
The forecast for the upcoming week is predicting snow and lots of it - here we go!


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