Weeks 36-37

 Days 247 - 261

Once again..... that thing called life got in the way of my weekly blog. 

What I find most enjoyable about writing my blog is reflecting on life, my career, my family, and my daily experiences. So often we wander, run, stumble, or walk through life just waiting for the next moment to transpire. Sometimes we are blind as we go about it and sometimes we are diligently focused. It happens to be the moments of tripping and falling that make me reflect more than when I can smoothly get from point A to point B. Perhaps the moments of most difficulty bring me the highest rate of reflection. 

I recognize that some of my hardest moments have taught me the greatest of life lessons. I have learned to be patient, I have learned to trust others, I have learned to ask for help, I have learned to use my faith before my own accord, I have gained confidence, I have learned to use my voice, and I have learned that balance is vital.

My absolute favorite season of the year. Although autumn brings all sorts of warm and fuzzy feelings, it is the sign that brings closure to summer. As an educator, summer has always been enjoyable with lots of time to recharge and reset for the busy school year ahead as well as take in fun activities. 

Summer activities are great but I wonder if we had them all year would we become bored and find them mundane and not as special. It almost seems that too much of a good thing is too much of a good thing. Living in the present and appreciating each experience, event, and moment for all the joy they bring is so important. Then, when the dreary days of winter settle in, we can anticipate the return of what brings us happiness.

As you all know, Greg and I love love love the Medora Musical. We went to the last two performances of the season and although we are sad it is over, we look forward to next year.

As autumn is just a few days away, I was able to capture the beauty of the changing trees. 

Difficult days = difficult nights. 

When I have a tough day, my nights often follow suit, and my rest is interrupted with obsessive thoughts of what transpired throughout the day. I am wired to be a problem-solver but there are times when I am unable to do so. It is such a challenge when I try and try and it appears there are no solutions that are effective. As humans, most of us do not feel content or at peace when we have lingering situations that disrupt our daily practices. 
I envy those people who can have tough days and have the ability to set those issues aside and are able to get a restful night's sleep. As stated above, I know that the challenges placed before me are meant to be there and will be used for good for me or for others. 
Also - some of you may suggest taking Melatonin which I have done; however, I am not sure which is worse, the weird and crazy dreams I get which often wake me up anyway, or the restless sleep mixed with repetitive thoughts. 

Considering we spent many nights away from home this summer and the pillows kept changing, I frequently got knots in my back that brought pure torture along with the inability to turn my head in one direction. I do not remember getting these ten years ago, but maybe just maybe this is another sign of aging?????

I have found that Greg's intense-pressure thumbs bring so much pain that I resort to a TENS unit, which works quite well, to relieve the discomfort. If you suffer from knots anywhere on your back, I would highly recommend one (mine is from Amazon and was maybe $30).

Because I am such a big coffee drinker, my interest was piqued when I started reading this. Only to realize the author of this quote likely feels the same way I do about a daily coffee. I can't explain what it is so much that I love about it. 
Maybe it is the caffeine, but maybe not. 
Maybe it is the temperature that warms me up in the morning, but maybe not. 
Maybe it is the creamy flavor, but maybe not. 
Maybe it is the routine, but maybe not. 
Maybe it is the smell, but maybe not.
Maybe it is a feeling I get, but maybe not.

Perhaps it is all of the above that makes it such a great overall experience, each and every day. So, yes, if I replaced it with green tea, I would lose so much joy before 7:00 am. Totally not worth it!

This right here is what I could do every day. Coffee and books = a pretty great day!

You may not be able to tell from the picture that these are flies but my word above probably clued you in. It started out that there was one fly in my apartment that I could not get rid of - you see, I have no fly swatter, and at this time of year, they are actually quite slow and pesky. They fly around your face and my relentless hand swatting didn't work. So, after a few days of this nonsense, I got serious. I stalked it like I was deer hunting (hand towel ready to go), trying to sneak up on it and making the slightest of moves. When I followed it from one room to the other and was unsuccessful in my methods of air towel swatting, I twisted the towel and when it landed on the counter in my kitchen I wound up and snapped that fly; however, I ended up killing two of them. Not sure where the other fly came from but hope I don't have a pile of eggs hidden somewhere.

I sent this picture to Greg and said this was the highlight of my day! I was able to rid my apartment of that annoying fly or what turned out to be more than one.


We could not be more excited about this news and have been waiting to share with everyone. Ireland and Jack are having a baby and we are going to become grandparents. 

Even though my child is an adult, it is crazy how different this feels for me to listen and watch her go through what I did so many years ago. I am much more worried for her than I was for myself - not sure if that is normal or not?

When they moved into their new house, I didn't buy them a housewarming gift, I sent them two baby outfits. Let the fun begin! I hear from everyone that being a grandparent is so special and brings a joy that is unfathomable - I literally cannot wait to experience it. 

Baby Abfalter - we love you today and we will love you tomorrow and for every day to come thereafter. 


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