Weeks 31-34

 Days 212 - 239

Well, here I am again on hiatus for almost a month. I am surprised all that I fit into this summer and yet have the energy to return to school (well... maybe I have just convinced myself I have the energy because school starts whether I am ready or not). 

I have been busy doing things, lots of things, but truthfully I wouldn't have it any other way.

I have spent time at school getting ready for the new year - I painted our entryway a lighter, more inviting, color (maybe not ideal for our great custodian), but it just feels so much more welcoming (in my opinion). I should have taken before and after photos so there would be a comparison.

I took the photo of the beach when I was on the Oregon coast with my sister in June. When the light was coming through the clouds, it made me think of how as educators, we are often the light for our students when they aren't blessed to get it from home. 


I not only hope all teachers can feel that they are the light for students but also that they are the light for their colleagues some days. Teaching is a challenging profession, and yet there are so many dedicated individuals who continue to show up and do the best they can to serve the youth of our communities despite the difficult moments.

 Our Samson has spent a lot of time at the babysitter's house this summer (aka - the Jung house in New England). We are so grateful Greg's parents are willing to care for this needy dog while we are off doing all of the fun stuff. Amazingly, this dog is still hanging in there at 15 1/2 years old. He is completely blind (yet somehow still knows the way around the kitchen, living room, and our bedroom), deaf, wears diapers, and only eats soft dog food. This is his new stance for meal time. We know his days are limited (even though we have been saying that for over a year), so we take one day at a time and hope he lives out his last days and months just living his best life.


One of the highlights of my summer was spending a few days in the mountains of MT and WY with my family. 

The tradition of camping in the Beartooth Mountains began with my grandpa Stan several decades ago. As a young child, this camping trip was an annual event for my family. Once I got married, Greg started to join my family in the mountains and continued the tradition with our children. This place holds many great memories and I love nothing more than to think that Grandpa Stan is watching us and just smiling and praying over us. 

I would like to preface that I attended the gathering because my fantastic brother-in-law brought his fancy camper and allowed me to stay with him where I had a bed and HEAT. 

For that, I was so grateful.

The stories that were told, the memories that were made, the food that was eaten, the blisters that were covered, the showers that were taken in the lake, the debate that 'Christmas tree' is two words, the morning Stan juice, the fish that were caught, the grizzly bear that was seen, the mosquitos that buzzed relentlessly, the hiking up and over rocks, the daily happy hour, the snowball throwing, the building of a fire every morning and night, the bags (cornhole) tournaments played, the wood chopping, and the cleaning to ensure we left campsites that bears had no interest in finding.

SERIOUSLY, could I have asked for a more lovely time with family? 

The Beartooth Chicken Heart storyteller!

I have some of the best-looking brothers!

God created this beauty and believe it or not, nature has everything we would need to survive. 

These two crazies swam for quite some time in a very, very cold lake. It is like cryotherapy in nature.

When my Uncle Rick is in charge of a meal, he doesn't do so lightly. He provided steaks for all of us. Seriously, who gets to eat like this while camping? 

We added two newcomers to the mountains this year: Macy and her dad, Shawn. We hope they had an amazing time and plan to return again. They both fit in just perfectly with our crazy crew.

I served as the head of the 'sanitation station.' I brought my rubber gloves, so by default, I became the manager and CEO of this cleaning company. I recruited some young teenagers to help, and their work ethic was lacking at times when they decided to snap towels at each other rather than dry dishes. All in all, they were a great crew and worked hard. They even told me to use some of my own PTO and take a break. I am fortunate they like their boss and care enough to give her some time off.

Can you ever have enough firewood?

Uncle Rick and Jenna!

My favorite boys!

Just a casual walk through the campground. We had just talked about having been to the mountains many times and never seeing a bear. On this trip, there were two sightings (not sure if it was the same bear or not). Thank goodness there were no incidences. 


After the mountains trip, I worked for one day and then headed to the cities for a twice-postponed concert featuring Joan Jett, Motley Crue, Def Leppard, and Poison and took in the musical Wicked at the Orpheum with Diane. We had so much fun and stayed up way too late for two consecutive nights. 

Poison and Def Leppard put on a great show, and it was like being back in high school cruising main or hanging out at Green River.


I also uncovered a hidden gem in Jamestown that I didn't know existed. I have lived here for two years and just found the White Cloud trail. It seriously felt like I could be in northern Minnesota or North Carolina. It was just a great trail that we will surely hike again. Way to go Jamestown on maintaining such a wonderful trail.


To finish out this week, we attended the Medora Musical for the 6th time this summer. It never gets old and I love it more and more each time I attend.

I truly do not think Greg and I have ever had such a fun-filled summer. We were rarely home but just long enough to mow the grass or paint a wall. As summer comes to a close with the upcoming Labor Day weekend, I will cherish time spent with loved ones, meeting new friends and colleagues, and embarking on another school year. 

Until next week - when I finally get back on a normal routine. 


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