Week 26

Day 177

One moment
One decision
One second
One choice

That is all it takes for one's life to change. Life is unpredictable and at any moment what we have come to know and what is comfortable could be stripped from us at any given time. I think we become passive with the expectation that tomorrow and the next day will be much the same as the previous. Unfortunately, some individuals experience a life-altering or life-ending event and it can happen in an instant. 
Don't forget to live each day with purpose and do what brings you joy!

Day 178

I believe that some of these are easier than others! 

1. You can still be a good and kind person without feeling the need to please everyone. 

2. Change is healthy and often helpful - it may force you to leave your comfort zone but the rewards will surface

3. We have all made mistakes in the past but they shouldn't define who we are today - move beyond who you used to be and relish in where and what you are in this very moment

4. To be realistic, there are parts of ourselves that we don't love, but to obsessively think about what we don't like and how we could change it won't be of any advantage. Remind yourself of the positive attributes that you possess and focus on those rather than the negative

5. As women, many of us are chronic overthinkers. This makes us twist any narrative into something it is not. Overthinking usually never puts us in a better position and wastes time that could be spent on something more enjoyable

Day 179

Medora hikes are some of my favorite and they are even better when one of our children joins us. There is a newer trail in Medora which is right next to the mini-golf course. It is a great hike that is relatively short, although there is some elevation gain. So, if you are the hiking kind, check it out as this beauty is so worth the little bit of leg burn as you climb the stairs.

Day 180

Another great book that I just finished. This is the first book in a series; however, I only bought the first not knowing if I would like the author or the book. Well, I guess I must buy the other two and finish the series. 

I have always been interested in learning more about the Holocaust which is why this book appealed to me. I cannot imagine the deplorable living conditions or the treatment these poor people endured during their time in concentration camps. However, they fought to stay alive and some of them made it out alive. 

Day 181

You know when you change one thing in your house and then you feel the need to change everything around it (or is it just me). Once I got my main area painted, then I ripped down my disgusting dust-collecting vertical blinds, changed some artwork, got rid of a few decorations, and now I was going to change out our kitchen faucet. 

I have done a remodel already in this house so one would think I would know that it is never just easy to do a project. Well, long story short, the right hole was where our old hand lever was for our faucet and the left was the spout. You could have guessed that the new one I bought doesn't have a lever separate from the spout which I thought would be fine since I can cover the right hole with a plate. BUT....... the larger hole needs to be in the middle of the sink which means we have to make the left hole the same size as the right. So, the quick ---- let's replace our leaky faucet - it will only take an hour or so ---- turned into a few-hour project with more tools than anticipated.

The good news is that we got it to work with the help of our handy son (Landen). He truly comes home at the best times (or maybe I intentionally plan projects that might need his expertise - not sure).

Day 182 

It was such a lovely day kayaking in the Badlands on the Little Missouri River. I am grateful I could join a great group of ladies just enjoying nature and each other's company as we floated and sometimes paddled under the warm sun. If you haven't done this yet, it should be added to your list because it was by far the best kayaking adventure I have had. 

Day 183

The newest coffee shop Greg and I walked to in Dickinson. I got an iced oat milk latte with no flavoring and it was absolutely delicious. If you haven't stopped by yet, I would say you should give it a go. 
Have a great and safe week ahead!


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