Week 25

Day 170

I committed to painting my living room, dining room, foyer, and kitchen. You know when something appears to be a good idea and then when you are in the middle of it you second guess your decision. I believe I spent more time rubbing the knots in my neck and shoulders than I did painting. I considered hiring it out, but then felt guilty about the cost and also realized that I am more than capable to paint our space. 
So, long story short, I found the right color and used this paint from Menards for the first time. It is actually great quality and the coverage is fantastic. 

I am happy to report our space (other than a small hallway) is completely painted and it makes such a difference in our house. With no kids to bang up the walls, I went with an eggshell finish and it looks so much better than the semigloss that was before. Although the project took almost an entire week, I am so grateful it is complete at the beginning of summer and I don't have it hanging over my head all break.

Day 171

With summer comes severe weather and today was one of those days. Rather quickly, this storm hit, and with it came crazy winds and lots of pea and marble-sized hail. 

We clearly had some damage and are waiting for the insurance adjuster to come out.

Due to the wind, the hail created drifts that were still in piles the next day. Our neighbor down the street had hail piles for almost three days.

Hopefully, there are no more storms coming our way anytime soon.

Day 172

This is the next task I am taking on in the house. Not only has it been neglected since I haven't lived here all school year, but the previous two summers I was working on my degree and literally didn't leave the couch much during the summer. So, the summer of 2022, is the summer to get organized and deep clean. There is nothing more satisfying than cleaning out old paperwork, cleaning ceiling fans (by the way, they get so gross and dusty), the stove, the fridge, the cabinets, and the list could go on and on. So, teacher friends, maybe you are doing exactly what I am doing this summer! 

Day 173

Greatest purchase in a long time. 
A USB chargeable vacuum for the car. I spend a lot of time in my car commuting back and forth from Jamestown, so inevitably, I eat in my car. This little gem of a purchase has been so helpful. I can pull it out and clean up the crumbs as I make them. 

Day 174

I seem to want to address people with negative attitudes. I feel like we already live in a world filled with so much challenge, hatred, unhappiness, etc. So.....why respond negatively????

I know that if I obsess over others' negative feelings toward me, it is not going to make my life any better, rather it inadvertently makes me feel bitter toward that individual (which is not helpful at all). I understand that those people have something else going on in their life that makes the negativity seem advantageous to their life somehow. I will continue to walk away and ignore those who thrive on negativity and attempt to tear down others in their path. This is not the easiest task but if you put your own positivity at the forefront, hopefully, the negative individuals will realize how their bad attitude is impacting their own happiness.

Day 175

In case you were unaware, we are halfway to Christmas Day. I always wonder if I will ever tire of the holiday season? I find so much joy in the music, decorations, memories, nostalgia, and tradition of the season. I unapologetically will remain eager for my favorite season.

Day 176

I often wonder how many times I have been saved from a dangerous situation or was one decision away from a really bad scenario or was disappointed in what I thought I wanted or needed and didn't get. There is always a much greater plan whether it makes sense or not at the moment. 


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