Week 24 - Get-away

Day 164

This beauty graduated from high school at Clackamas High. She will be attending Oregon State University and I wish her well as she grows into her adult life. There will no doubt be moments of joy, moments of transition, moments of homesickness, moments of stress, moments of accomplishment, moments of questioning, moments of fun, moments of uncertainty, but most importantly, moments of learning and growth.
WAY TO GO - ALEXANDRA KOOREN - we are proud of you!

Day 165

As my sister and I were walking in her neighborhood, we came across this little constructed house filled with farm-fresh eggs. I LOVE this idea and the opportunity for this farmer to give back to his community. On the inside of the door, there was a story of how the farmer has a surplus of eggs and encourages anyone to take them. I wonder if he started this when there was an egg shortage several months ago? 

I have always said that I would love to have chickens in my backyard so I could have fresh eggs every day. This little house would be the next best thing to having my own chickens. 

Day 166

One of my greatest irritations and annoyances is when people do not clean up after their pets. I find this behavior to be irresponsible. City sidewalks are meant for all patrons to enjoy and use and when they are littered with animal waste, it is not OK. IT IS ALSO NOT OK, for owners to leave their pet's waste in the grass of another's home.

The picture below shows how others feel about dog waste in their yard as well! Although I don't encourage passive-aggressive tendencies, this sign made me chuckle.

Day 167

Heather and I spent the day touring the Japanese Gardens in Portland. We often stated that we felt it didn't even look real at times. It felt like this God-created space was man-made, it was so perfect in so many ways.

We also visited the Rose Gardens which did not disappoint. The intricate design of scaffolded petals is fascinating to me as they protect the pollen until they fully open. Then the pollen is spread by the wind, insects, or birds. I wondered how many petals are actually in one flower???? The first photo of the ombre rose shows the small water droplets left behind by the recent rains.

We also toured the Grotto which is a place of peace, prayer, and natural beauty. It has an outdoor church on site as well as an indoor church where mass is held. The grounds are amazing with faith-based statues, granite stations of the cross, and an overlook with space to reflect and pray.

Day 168

This was my first time seeing whales in nature. There is a pod that lives in Boiler Bay and there were several that we saw. Unfortunately, we didn't see any breach but it was fascinating nonetheless. I actually remembered many whale facts from when I taught a unit on whales during "Ww" week in kindergarten. 

Day 169

Oh did we have a great week together. I am so grateful to have someone who just gets me and accepts me for who I am - despite all of my shortcomings. We talked about so many things during our drives, walks on the beach, whale watching, sea lion observing, eating, or just hanging out. 

We also reminisced about how much we despised each other growing up. We were actually quite mean to each other (curling irons were thrown and clothes were stolen). I am so thankful we both grew up and found the value of having a sister. 

Some of the things we talked about.....

protein consumption - always a challenge when neither of us like meat
clothing - how to dress a changing body when you are 49 and 50
body ailments - another body part that hurts or aches
God's creation - the beauty of flowers, nature, people, and experiences
 children - the challenges and joys
underwear - what are the best kinds that don't show lines and suck in the menopausal belly
hot topics - where we stand on topics of controversy
skin care - what we are each using to diminish those fine lines that are not so fine any longer
coffee - our morning and afternoon consisted of drinking coffee (yes, every day)
hair coloring - much needed but soooooo expensive
husbands - we both are blessed with great life partners
vision - gosh those readers and bifocals are necessary now
nature - the beach never gets old, the green lush ground covering never gets old, the trees never get old
faith - our faith has gotten us both through some very difficult moments
safety - is walking on rocks safe or unsafe???? I say 'yes' it is safe
cleaning and organizing - can one's house ever be clean or organized enough?
future - where we see ourselves in 5, 10, 15, and 20 years 
cake - sometimes you just need to celebrate and EAT a LARGE piece

I hope my kids can have similar relationships with their siblings because it truly is a gift!

Day 170

Finally back in one of my happy places - MEDORA

This was our first show of the season and we hope to get in many more before our quick summer is over and we are back to school. 

Have a great week ahead!


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