Week 22 - Decades

Day 150

Happy 30th Anniversary to my husband! It is crazy to think we have been married for 30 years. When I think about it almost seems impossible. I have spent way more time with my husband than I had under my parents' roof. In 30 years, we have moved seven times and stayed in Dickinson the entire time outside of a short stint in New England and me most recently moving to Jamestown. We have owned two homes and have lived in our current home for almost 18 years. We have had three children and one dog, a few hermit crabs, some fish, and a few anoles. Our home has been filled with love and happiness along with some screaming, hollering, and tears. All of which makes it quite NORMAL.                                       
What I can say I have learned during our 30 years of marriage is.....
  • Compromise is key
  • Spend time doing things you love
  • Understand and accept one another
  • Arguing or disagreeing is normal and expected
  • Forgiveness is imperative
  • Both individuals will change over time
  • Kids can bring so much joy but can also create a great amount of stress
  • Don't give up when it gets hard because it will get hard
We have raised our children and are now empty nesters and it appears now is when we can be selfish again and do whatever makes us happy. We have plans, we have aspirations, we have bucket lists, we have dreams.....it almost feels like it did when we first said "I do" so many years ago. 

What we didn't know back then is that we would raise two boys and a girl, we would face many challenges along the way, we would struggle financially, we would have friends and family who stuck by our sides during the roughest of patches, we would miscarry two babies, we would stay awake worrying about the health and wellness of our children and each other, we would make numerous mistakes as parents and as a partner, BUT all of these moments laid the foundation to make it three decades and hopefully many more to come.

Day 151

 I need to repaint my kitchen, dining room, living room, and foyer since it hasn't been done in over 15 years. I started with 4 samples and dislike them all. So round two of samples will begin soon. Who would have thought finding a grey/tan color would be so challenging????? I am trying to switch from a dark tan to a more neutral one with more grey tones. Definitely not an easy task. Stay tuned. 

Day 152

I have said this before and I will say it again. Surround yourself with people who are there for you regardless of your circumstances and those who make you a better person. The right people in your world can make a substantial difference in your life and the outcomes you are desiring. 

Surround yourself with people who challenge you but also respect you
Surround yourself with people who love you when you are unlovable
Surround yourself with people who can lift your spirits when you are down
Surround yourself with people who support you when you cannot support yourself
Surround yourself with people who inspire you to be better
Surround yourself with people who desire good for you without jealousy
Surround yourself with people who comfort you during times of sadness and stress
Surround yourself with people who love you for you with no strings attached

Day 153

If you haven't already noticed, I am a big Colleen Hoover fan. I love that her books are easy to read and follow and have great storylines. I stayed up wayyyyyyy past my bedtime finishing this book. 

Day 154

Oh the joy of a good set of gel pens. I wonder if there are any weirdos out there like me who just love a set of good pens. I really am a very simple person and find happiness in the small things in life. It is the organization of the pens, the way they slide across the paper, the way they make my planner look, the many options I have for colors, and I could go on and on about a set of 24 pens.


Day 155

As I was driving home for the weekend I looked down at my watch and thought Apple changed the exercise icon to Superman. After putting my glasses on and inspecting it a bit closer, it was just a well-placed remnant from the snack I was eating. 

If you haven't tried them, Popcorners - Sweet and Salty Kettle Corn are delicious.

Day 156

Oh, how I have missed the Black Hills. Since my parents have moved away, we just don't get down to the hills like we used to. We have had so many good memories with our children and family in the Black Hills. We came down this weekend to run a race (which I said I wasn't going to do for a long, long, long time and I made it two weeks). Anyway, the rainy spring weather has kept the area very green and lush which makes it even more lovely. If you haven't spent a lot of time in the hills, it is worth the short drive from Dickinson. 

Have a great week ahead everyone!


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