Week 21

Day 143

I love nothing more than when I check my phone and there are multiple messages or notifications. That means that I have abandoned my phone for a period of time which is so healthy. I, too, can get caught up in spending way too much time on social media. After I realize I have just wasted an hour looking at TikTok, I feel bad and wished I wouldn't have done it. HOWEVER, the addicting nature of our phones drags us back in and the cycle continues to repeat. If there is anything I have learned is that when I want to truly be present, I leave my phone in another room and turn off my notifications on my watch. 

Day 144

I sure hope all of my 40 - 50ish-year-old friends recognize this screenshot from one of my favorite movies of all time. I can recite most of this movie because I can guarantee I have probably seen it more than 100 times. 
I secretly hoped I would marry Jake Ryan - I guess that didn't happen for me!

Day 145

There are no words to describe yet another school shooting. It angers me, it saddens me, and it frustrates me. I wished with my every being that this was the final one but we all know it is likely to happen once again and we will all go through the emotions again. 

I cannot imagine how these families, school employees, and the community are feeling today and in the many months and years to come. If you want an insider's look as to what it felt like to be a survivor of a school massacre, listen to the Confronting Columbine podcast. The trauma these individuals went through still haunts them to this day. Many have struggled through their adulthood due to PTSD. 

Unfortunately, some of these individuals will never recover and this one act on this day is relived over and over for so many. As much as this scares me because of my employment in a public school, I would be kidding myself if I believed this couldn't happen at WalMart, at church, at the movie theater, at a concert, at a camp, at a race, or at a mall. Schools are not the only area these shootings are taking place.

I wished I had the answers to any one or all of the questions. I think back to my childhood and how I never feared anything. Youth today have to worry and stress about things we never had to. Imagine the impact this has on their mental health and feelings of security. 

So, I pray for comfort and peace to the families and community of Uvalde, TX as they attempt to put their destroyed lives back together. 

Day 146

I think about this often......
How we live and how we behave are influenced by what we expose ourselves to and what we allow to come into our lives. We must exercise caution when spending time with toxic people or those that don't make us better. What we put in our bodies is just as important as what we feed our brain. We don't often think that who we spend time with or what we read and watch can impact our overall health but it can make a large influence on our actions and thoughts.

Bring positivity into your life (the world already exposes us to negativity - we don't need anymore)
Spend time with those who fill your soul and make you want to be a better human
Read books or materials that bring you joy or those that fill your spirit
Eat foods that nourish your body and promote self-healing
Spend time outdoors and breathe in nature's natural fuel

Day 147

Not often in North Dakota do we get days of stillness in the spring. This day proved to be one of those gorgeous days that has been desired for many months. Additionally, the rain this spring has made everything so very green (although with the rain come the mosquitoes). 

Never take for granted what is right outside your front door (well, not literally, but within walking distance).

Day 148

The latest toenail situation......

I cannot add a picture because no one should see the disaster that exists on my feet. I have proceeded to lose two more nails from that wonderful race the week before. It appears that 'race' is the gift that just keeps on giving.

Day 149

For all of you mamas out there that have struggled with one of your children, rest assured they will come back to you and appreciate you. I received this from Ireland and it literally brought tears to my eyes. As we all experience challenges with our children, my relationship with Ireland has gone through some ups and downs (as do most moms and daughters). So, to receive a message like this makes it all worth it and it gives all of you who are going through those hard times right now the hope that it will improve.

Having adult children can truly be such a blessing. As much as I grieved their growing up and moving on, watching them grow into wonderful adults is oh so rewarding. I cannot express the fun we now have that they are all adults and they can see us in a different light. I know we still annoy them at times and vice versa, but what I can say with certainty is that we still love them more than they will ever know or comprehend (until they have children of their own). 

💓Love them all💓


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