Week 18

Day 122

~You are not defined by others' opinions of you~

You keep being you
You value yourself
You do good for others
You are worthy
You bring joy to others

Remember: You can't control what others say or think, but you can control your response. 

Day 123

I love to walk/run the wonderful path on the east side of the reservoir. It is crazy how a snowy winter and rainy spring have changed the level as last year this was a large parking lot. The weather patterns bring about so much more change than one realizes. 

Day 124

In honor of teacher appreciation, I decided to get a little crafty. Tomorrow we will have a drink bar in the teacher's lounge so I thought it would be a great idea to make them all coasters. 

Have you ever have a great idea and when in the middle of the project you second guess your decision?

This was me as I was finishing up the project late in the evening. Although I was completely unrealistic in my timeline of completion, it was well worth the effort and time as the teachers were grateful for a little extra surprise beyond the drinks.

Day 125

I may have possibly used this quote before but it is ringing true for me as I continue to train for a race. There are so many times my brain tells me to quit. One's thoughts can be such a loud voice and hard to ignore. When the voice is so profound, there becomes constant self-talk that gets one through a tough situation. I always tell myself, that I have done much harder things in my life and that I need to focus on one step, one long stretch, or one mile at a time. This is so true in life because we often focus on the end result (which is important to set a goal); however, we must celebrate the small insignificant moments because those are what will encourage us to stay resilient and complete what may seem like an unattainable task.

Day 126

I love teacher appreciation week for so many reasons. Our teachers across North Dakota (and the nation) work so much harder than they ever have. The expectation of working with a diverse student population and meeting each of their individual needs almost feels like an unattainable feat. Yet, our teachers are doing this daily so their students succeed. 


Often forgo a lunch hour to grade papers or prepare for their afternoon
Give up their prep time to work with students in need of additional support
Spend their summers taking additional classes to better their pedagogical practice
Rarely get to use the bathroom when needed
Use personal money to purchase items for their classroom
Show up long before contracted time
Stay long after contracted time
Make hundreds of decisions every day
Plan engaging lessons that interest students
Manage 20+ different personalities daily
Teach so much more than just reading, math, science, and social studies

Teachers: You deserve so much more than just a week celebrating you and your efforts. 
I notice you, I see you, and I honor you!

Day 127

I believe this is one of life's greatest lessons we can teach our youth. So often they enter adulthood with unrealistic expectations and then feel like a failure when life unfolds.

Life isn't fair and life is not easy.

Teaching our students and children this truth will anchor the foundation for future success.

Day 128

The smell of rain and the sound of thunder in the spring is one of life's most enjoyable experiences. Spring rains are so refreshing and bring new life to the dormant plants and grasses that we have longed for during the tough winter months. 

Although it feels like we have had a delayed spring, it is here and ready to nourish the newly planted crops and renew what existed 7 months ago. 

Let's hope this rain continues across the state and brings new growth for all.


Happy Mother's Day to all of you wonderful moms out there.


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