Week 16

 Day 108

Another Easter brings another snowstorm. This weather is just crazy and a bit unpredictable. Not that April snowstorms are uncommon, but we anticipate the spring season which comes with Easter. We value new life, we value new growth, we value the warmer temperatures that are needed for spring. Unfortunately, we are required to wait patiently for spring and know that when it comes, we will rejoice in its arrival.

One thing I did not know existed on the ND Roads app was a map where the snowplows are clearing roads. To locate this feature, it is on the same page as road conditions and is located under more information. 

As we were enjoying our Easter gathering in New England, the road turned to no travel advised. We watched the snowplow's paths and followed shortly after one traveled north on Hwy 22. So grateful for those drivers who gave up their Easter to keep the roads clear for the rest of us. 

Day 109

Overthinking is human nature and so many of us engage in overthinking. I long and desire to allow what is meant to be will be. It is not in my time, in my control, in my power, in my work, or in my good deeds, it is God's will that will determine what will be. 

~and I continue to allow Him to do His will in and through me~

Day 110

I am renewing my passport and am so excited about what types of stamps I will add. Do I know what I will add.... NOPE. I am so thankful that I am able to travel and look forward to where this passport might take me. 

Life is short and unpredictable..........take advantage of the time you have left and do whatever it is that you love. 

Day 111

This quote resonated with me so much! How many times do we perseverate on the 'old you?' I worry about who I hurt, who I didn't help, who I treated unfairly, how my actions were perceived, or how my words mattered.

The 'old you' developed as you aged to create the person you are today. It is ok to remember who the 'old you' was but should be a reminder of the lessons and mistakes made along the way that have molded you into you in 2022.

Day 112

Does anyone else break out in hives when they get stressed? Unless I am breaking out for a different reason that I am unaware of. 

What I find interesting is that the hives move around my body, sometimes they are on my neck (most often), sometimes they are on my legs, and today they showed up on my wrists and palms. 

Any insight on why and how to prevent them as I cannot take Benedryl in the middle of the day!

Day 113

This has always been challenging for me to accept. I understand that I am not everyone's cup of tea, cup of coffee, or glass of wine; however, I try to live my life in a way that is respectful and kind to all. 
I have come to accept that SOMEONE.......

will always dislike me
will think I am dishonest
will treat me rudely
will hold grudges against me
will think my intentions are ingenuine 
will think I am boasting
will think I am too much
will think I am bossy
will think I am not enough

I suppose one could worry and worry about what someone thinks of me, but those negative thoughts are not going to push me in a direction of continual improvement. They will hinder my ability to be the best version of myself (whatever that looks like because I am still not there). 

The promising element of all of this is...
there is SOMEONE.....

who loves me
who values my work ethic
who believes in me
who appreciates my passion
who knows my intentions
who acknowledges my work
who treats me with respect

and for these reasons..... I KEEP MOVING FORWARD AND GIVING IT ALL I HAVE!

Day 114

An organized closet brings me so much happiness. I took everything out, refolded it, and reorganized my closet. Oh goodness, I feel like a new person. It was such a disaster before and I would take out one item from the top and three would come with it. I am unsure of how long this will last, but I will enjoy every minute of it until then.


May spring be coming soon and may your last week of April be wonderful. 


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