Week 15

 Day 101

I am going to start giving my books reviews since I use others' recommendations for choosing books to read. I should note that many of my books come from TikTok or Instagram recommendations. I do wonder at what point is it acceptable to abandon a book, as the one above. If I purchase the book, I feel obligated to finish it regardless of the quality. Had I borrowed this from the library, I would have surely abandoned it. 

Although it was recommended by Jenna Bush, I found the book to be very slow-moving and not near interesting enough to keep me engaged. 

Then there are other books that keep a high-interest level, which the one above did. I flew through this book super fast - I just think there are some authors that write with a style I prefer. I am currently reading a mystery again which I am loving (stay tuned for the title and update soon).

I am loving that I am reading fiction again. There is something to be said about getting lost in a book and before you know it, you are halfway through the book. 

Truth bomb: I used to hate reading, like I mean, really hated to read. I was the kid growing up that fake read every single book. I didn't read my first novel, The Boxcar Children, until 3rd grade and that was seriously the only novel I read in its entirety. I would skim novels in middle and high school because I struggled to stay focused long enough to enjoy a book. I clearly learned how to compensate for my lack of reading and found a way to pass all of my classes including English and literature (and for the record, I didn't cheat). Once I entered college, I was forced to read books since I was an elementary education major. I still did not love to read but found that the work was much too in-depth to skim. 
I feel grateful that I have learned to love reading. It now compels me to slow down and just be in the moment with a storyline. 

Day 102

Well, Aiden got served at JunkYard Brewery in Moorhead and then again at Drekker in Fargo; HOWEVER, since Macy is not 21 they were asked to leave. Minors can be in the breweries but they need to be with someone over 40 years of age. So they made their way to a Mexican restaurant and Aiden had a tropical margarita (and it cost $12.00 - which he thought was ridiculous). Going out and having a cocktail or two is not cheap.

As a parent, one cannot prepare you for the last child hitting every age milestone. It seems like every milestone is so far away yet it sneaks up and blindsides you with no warning. I wonder how we can reminisce about the days of toddlerhood like they were yesterday and then your child is drinking a legal cocktail in a restaurant. 

I have come to understand that as your children age, the milestones are few and far in between, making them feel more valuable. When our children were young, the milestones were desired (walking and talking) and frequent (each day they may have said a new word, walked a little bit faster, climbed on a table, etc), but they were expected and anticipated. As much as I miss the first babble or first tooth, I also love having adult children. They engage in meaningful conversations and have opinions that make me think about society or the world through a different lens.

Day 103

I was texting Greg's mom, Toni, and we were talking about what I will be doing on my snow day. I love that when she said I should "catch a nap" in her text, it created a reminder to "catch a nap" for the next day. I may have to start adding naps to my calendar! There is nothing like a good afternoon nap and I will confirm naps were taken on both snow days.

Day 104

Roads like this should not be allowed this time of year. I should not have to use this app from March until December, but we live in ND so it doesn't surprise me in the least. The storm was a slight inconvenience for me but the farmers and ranchers in the state have been hit incredibly hard. So many are still digging out and accessing the damage. I have absolutely no right to complain as others have experienced so much more. 

For the time being, I will be grateful I have a safe and warm place to stay and resign to a delayed spring.

Day 105

Unfortunately, I have to admit that I don't just drink coffee for the caffeine but I just love the taste of a good latte. So, drinking my morning coffee is an event almost as important as getting dressed. There are just some things you don't leave home without.... your coffee and clothes.

Day 106

In my life, this has been so true. During my 30s, I spent countless hours worrying about what others thought about me and whether or not I measured up and met their standards and expectations. 

A very wise colleague, Alice Karn, once told me, 'wait until you are 40 and you will not hold value in others' opinions.' I remember thinking 40 seemed so far away and when I did reach that age, I did not think that mantra would apply to me because I was a people pleaser. Low and behold, once I hit my 40s, that need for others' approval diminished. 

The joy of 40 ish...........

You are confident
You are comfortable in your own body
You accept yourself
You value yourself
You grow in your faith
You gain life experiences
You worry less
You gain wisdom
You have the ability to listen 
You are yourself with no apologies
You acknowledge you don't know everything
You develop deep friendships
You feel comfortable expressing your opinions
You understand your strengths and weaknesses
You forgive others
You are an ongoing learner
You earn trust
You learn to say no
You rejoice in others' successes
You declutter your life
You don't value material items

You live your life according to your values and morals rather than by the influence and opinions of others. Although many fear the dreaded age of 40, there are so many wonderful outcomes from that blessing of a birthday. 

Day 107

Aiden getting his first 'legal' drink in Dickinson. I actually despise beer but I have found that I kind of like the sour beers (they taste more like kombucha). 

Not only do we get to celebrate Aiden's 21st a few days late, but we are also on the eve of celebrating Jesus' resurrection, a very important day for Christians.


May you all have a blessed Easter!


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