Week 14

 Day 94

I had to read this twice before it really sunk in. I reflected on the times I have become angry and although sometimes it is because of my own doing, there are times my anger is an emotion that is expressed based on others' actions.
I hope when I am faced with expressing anger the next time, I think about whether or not I am punishing myself for someone else's choices or words.

Day 95

UGH! Not sure if you have read this book or not, but the ending just frustrated me and I was mad I took the time to read it. The book was so good up until the last several pages. When I got to the point where I realized what was happening, I literally had only a few pages left and there was no way the ending could be redeemed. Even though the ending was a disappointment, I evaluated the entire book and overall it was pretty good.

In hindsight, there were clues that alluded to the ending but clearly, I didn't pick up on those. There is a series on Netflix based on the book and I have just finished it. Not nearly as good as the book. 

Day 96

This is a work in progress for most people including me. I need to remind myself that I am a bit much for some people and not enough for others. We will always be surrounded with those who root for us and the naysayers that dislike our existence - that is just a fact of life. 

As long as I go to bed every night knowing I have worked hard and given all I am capable of giving, I should rest assured I am doing my best and devoting my energy toward what is needed and accepted.

Day 97

A year ago Aiden, Macy, and I went to Utah for a long weekend of adventurous hiking. We had so much fun and enjoyed every moment of nature and all of its beauty. Hiking is probably my favorite activity and I look forward to adding more hikes to my bucket list. 

Any recommendations are welcomed!

Day 98

OOOOOHHHHHHH, did this one resonate with me! I think we have learned to vent when life gets hard or when something doesn't go our way. This quote has made me discern whether or not venting is appropriate or even helpful to me. Sometimes we need to get things off of our chest because it feels good to release what we were keeping in, but there is a fine line between repetitive venting vs. repetitive complaining. 

Day 99

People who are older than me always refer to the fact that they are slowing down with each passing day, month, and year..........I totally understand what they mean. 

Walking one mile is still one mile no matter how long it takes you
Completing a puzzle still gets put together no matter if it takes one week or one month
Finishing a book does not have a timeline
A painting will still become a masterpiece regardless of the time it took to complete

Why do we feel there is a time crunch attached to everything we do. It should be acceptable that we attempt and make a good faith effort to complete the task we set out to accomplish. 

The important component is that you don't give up when things get hard or uncomfortable.

Day 100

 I enjoy doing small things for others. Nothing over the top, but just to let them know I care and think about them and their well-being. Life is short do whatever you can to make others feel valued and appreciated.

I hope the staff at Washington enjoys them!


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