Week 13

Day 87

I feel compelled to discuss the Will Smith/Chris Rock event that occurred at the Academy Awards. 
As an educator, we work so hard to teach our students that spoken words can hurt and that putting our hands on others is unacceptable. Unfortunately, both of those lines were crossed during the awards program. 

How do we teach our children right from wrong when the adults, who are considered the role models, are engaging in behaviors we are trying to prevent in the school setting?

As a society, we must be better and do better so our young people can work and live in a world full of positivity and encouragement.

 Day 88

This video popped up on my feed from many years ago and it still makes me chuckle. We had a heavy March snowfall and clearly a snow day. The boys had so much fun outside and I just love to hear Aiden's sweet voice. 

I sure do miss those days and bringing back memories of when all of the kids were at home even though life was crazy and chaotic.
This is one feature of Facebook that I love!

Day 89

I apologize that I couldn't get the video to embed into the program, but it is worth checking out. 

The internal frustration that many of us experience is the prep work for the external frustration that we will inevitably be forced to address at some point in our life. 
When you feel that you are torn between y and z ..........you are internally frustrated
When you feel that you do not measure up ..........you are internally frustrated
When you wake up and feel out of sorts ..........you are internally frustrated
When your intuition tells you something is off ..........you are internally frustrated
When you can't put your finger on why you feel anxious .......... you are internally frustrated
When you struggle to accomplish basic tasks .......... you are internally frustrated
When everything around you rubs you the wrong way .......... you are internally frustrated
When you struggle to stay motivated .......... you are internally frustrated

I am not alluding to the fact that you cannot feel frustrated but rather acknowledging your frustration for what it is and using your faith to guide you through the difficult journey of internal frustration.

Day 90

'We come to what we need, when we're ready.'

This is easier said than done. We tend to want before we are ready. I have been guilty of this on many occasions. Doors will open when it is the right time and doors will close for the same reason. That does not mean to stop following your passions, but there are times when our vision, our passions, and the timeline are not in line with where we are intended to be. This waiting period is where we can make adjustments to bring us closer or sometimes abandon what we thought we wanted. Either way, take comfort in knowing that opportunities still exist but accepting how they unfold is our responsibility. 

Day 91

This is an unbelievable documentary about three young men who find each other by pure accident! It is worth a watch if you have a couple of hours - you can find it on Hulu or on Amazon Prime. 

Day 92

I am learning to let go of stuff. As I get older, I realize that clutter drives me crazy. I prefer less. I am not sure if that is an age thing or it is just understanding that 'stuff' doesn't bring happiness of any sort. 

I hope to carry this through to my closet soon. That old saying of, 'if you haven't worn it in a year,' you should get rid of it. That is where I will start. I look forward to having less stuff (which also makes my space feel clean and organized). 

Should you have any great organizational hacks, please share them with me. I am all about learning from others and not reinventing the wheel.

So, think about your kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, office, or classroom...... are there items that no longer serve a purpose or are useful for you. IF NOT..........CONSIDER DONATING OR PURGING. 

Your mind and attitude will thank you for freeing up more space for what brings you joy!

Day 93

When I grew up, cheese buttons were a staple for our family during lent (no meat on Fridays). I appreciate the effort my mom put in to make them for a family of 7. I barely have enough energy to make a batch for Greg and me. But..........the memories that come back and the taste of these is worth every minute of prep work. As you can see below, I am not concerned about uniformity. However I can get the dough to roll out after 15 minutes, I am content with how it lands.

The recipe calls for dry curd cottage cheese, but it is nowhere to be found in Jamestown. So, we made do and drained regular cottage cheese and attempted to dry it out. It is not quite the same, but still delicious.

3/4 of a stick of butter later and some frying time, pure happiness on a plate.

                                        May your week ahead bring joy, peace, and happiness!


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