Week 9

Day 59

Whatever we do with a kind and giving heart uplifts another. Think about the last time you expressed words of gratitude, sent a card to a friend or family member, gave money to the homeless, or donated your time to an organization, how did you feel and more importantly, how did the recipient feel or respond? There are times we do get to witness and experience the joy of the recipient but likely we won't see the impact of our good deeds. 

No matter how small or how large - uplifting another can have an impact beyond our understanding. 

Day 60

This is totally me when I shop. 

The price of material goods in America has increased exponentially over the last five years. Items that I would have purchased before are ridiculously overpriced and I have a hard time spending money on them. Even though I likely have the money to purchase it, my frugality is the voice of reason. 
When our kids were little and we had absolutely no money, I had to be very cautious and spend wisely. It is funny how that mentality does not go away. 

Don't get me wrong, I do purchase very frivolous items (just ask Greg) but at the same time, I think twice about almost every purchase over $20.00.

Day 61

When I spend time with my family and friends is when I find myself smiling out of pure joy. I love nothing more than sitting with my children and reminiscing about their childhood and their memories of the good and bad. 

Some smiling facts:

  • Did you know that you can trick yourself into being in a better mood simply by smiling? Try it! It’s hard to be down when you have a genuine smile on!
  • Smiling helps you relax and boosts your immune system.
  • Smiling lowers blood pressure.
  • Smiling releases endorphins and relieves stress.
  • Smiles are contagious- a study done in Sweden at Uppsala University showed that people struggled to frown when they looked at other people who were smiling, and their muscles twitched into smiles on their own!
  • It takes 62 muscles to frown, but only 26 muscles to smile!
  • The crinkling in the corner of the eyes is a tell-tale sign of a genuine smile.
  • People who smile are more likely to get a promotion.
  • Smiles are the most easily recognized facial expression; they can be recognized from over 300 feet away.
  • Newborns prefer a smiling person to a non-smiling person.
  • A dog smiles by wagging its tail!

Day 62

Rich: I have vivid memories during my childhood where I would fantasize about winning the Publisher's Family Clearing House Lottery where they would come to our house with a bunch of balloons and a large check. I dreamed of a life with lots of money and where we could go and what we could do with it. 
Popularity: I grew up in a small town where "being popular" was important (or so I thought). I hoped to be one of the popular kids in my class and now looking back, since we graduated with a class of 27 (maybe 28) everyone was popular and there was no contest. Even if I would have been considered popular or not popular, what difference has it made in my life as an adult?

Highly Educated: As most of you know, I have been a college student pretty much my entire adulthood. Does this education make me better than any other individual? Absolutely NOT. 

I am so grateful for the true meaning of life ....... deep connections, relationships, and caring for others.

Day 63


Age is just a number and should not be dreaded.

Getting old is a balance of gains and losses.
Getting old is a luxury some never are afforded.
Getting old is accepting the inevitable changes.
Getting old is validating your continued value.
Getting old is acknowledging and sharing your wisdom.
Getting old is experiencing life through a grateful lens.
Getting old is part of the journey God has planned for you.

Day 64

As our children have grown into adults, Landen and Ireland remind us how they have gotten the shaft, and Aiden was handed everything on a silver platter. I am not going to say that is completely accurate but there is some truth to it. Once the two big kids left, and Aiden was the only child in the house, it meant there was much less cleaning to do, more money to afford daily items, lower levels of stress for Greg and me, and less chaos of running to activities. The TicTok below cracks me up because there is some definite accuracy that I can relate to when it comes to our parenting our three kids.

Day 65

How much fun is it to get old????????

I was told by my chiropractor to use a TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) unit for my muscle issues, I was told no pair of shoes would fix the problems with my feet - so I was prescribed orthotics, and I have so many calluses that I need corn cushions. 

The odd thing is........ my brain and head tell me I am so much younger than my body. It is crazy how much our bodies change as we age. It is not all bad though because I am so thankful that I am still able to move, walk, run, bike, hike, swim, and engage in most physical activities. If I need to tape up, wear special gear, see doctors, or take supplements, I will happily do so if it means I can keep moving and enjoying all life has to offer.


Another week has come and gone and we each offered something positive, encouraging, or uplifting to someone (even if we didn't know it). 




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