Week 12

Day 80

Oh, the days of being carefree with a mullet. 

That 3/4 rainbow sleeve and unicorn embellished shirt was so desired. I remember begging for this shirt and likely my parents couldn't afford it, yet somehow I got it. I value how hard my parents worked to give us our basic needs and then some. 

I vividly remember giving my parents a hard time about having so many children because I was a selfish young child wanting more material things like my friends. I felt that if they wouldn't have had three boys under me there would be more money for stuff (whatever that meant - likely clothes and more Aquanet). 

Although my young brain was jaded by what existed around me, I often feel guilty about those thoughts. I cannot imagine my life without my siblings which also brought spouses and many nieces and nephews whom I cherish and love. 
I feel so blessed to have them all in my life. My only wish is that we lived closer and could see each other more often.

Day 81

If you are not a huge fan of sparkling water (like me), you might want to try the BUBBL'R brand. It is so good and is so much better in my opinion than La Croix, Pellegrino, Bubly, etc. Wal-Mart doesn't carry it but Cash-Wise does. You might want to give it a go if you have tried the traditional types and don't care for them.

Day 82

Well, well, well, this dog just continues to hang in there. Just when we think he is not going to survive another day, he perks back up. He cannot hear, he cannot see, he needs to wear a diaper but he appears to be in no pain.

 So, we keep feeding him with his favorite meal of urinary tract specialty dog food with rotisserie chicken mixed in along with his water bowl sprinkled with a few ice cubes. 

Day 83

I cannot wait for the Medora Musical to start. Opening day is June 8th which is technically my last contracted day of the school year, so I am hopeful I will make it home for one of my favorite activities of the summer. 

For those of you who love it as much as we do, it is completely worth purchasing season passes. If you prefer to go more than one time, it pays for itself after two performances. Many people ask why would want to go more than once considering the program does not change. When you go multiple times, you see different things each time and put your focus on a different aspect of a song or skit. We see the cast interact in silly ways that you don't even notice when you only go one time. We find that the first performance we attend of the season is our least favorite but it gets better each time as we become familiar with the songs.

Day 84

The time has come for the newlyweds to move across the country. Ireland and Jack are making Raleigh, North Carolina their new home. We are excited for them and incredibly proud of them but at the same time so sad they have left. As a parent, I know our role is to foster their growth and independence and let them spread their wings, but no one tells you just how hard it is to see your child venture out into an unknown world.

I suppose this is where I must rely on my faith to believe that all is good and will be just fine. 
We wish them nothing but the best and are so grateful they have the courage to take this leap. Hopefully, we will visit this summer and will see all of the beauty North Carolina has to offer. 

Day 85

Our children have just been so adventurous and we have learned a lot from them in this regard. 

Last summer Aiden and Macy spent 3 weeks in Europe exploring. I don't believe Aiden has shared this video of Macy floating in the Adriatic Sea and it is just too cool to keep to myself. They are continuing their adventurous travels to South America in May with Macy's dad and sister. 

Day 86

Greg found this recipe on TikTok of all places and it is so good and SOOOOOO easy.

Peasant Bread Recipe

Mix 2 cups of flour, 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp yeast, and 1 tsp sugar together. Stir in 1 cup of warm water to the dry ingredients and mix well until you form a dough ball....dough will be sticky.

In a pyrex glass bowl, spread butter over most of the bowl. Place dough ball inside the buttered glass bowl and let rise 2+ hours or until the dough doubles in size.

Bake in the glass bowl at 425 degrees for 15 minutes, reduce temperature to 375 degrees, and back an additional 17-20 minutes.

Spread butter on top of the baked bread after it comes out of the oven....enjoy!


Have a great week ahead!


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