Week 11

 Day 73

Life at the beach is slow.
 As we walked for several days before our long run, we noticed that most everyone just walked or jogged at a leisurely pace. There was no rush, no hurry, no urgency to get anywhere. There is something to be said about slowing down and just enjoying where you are at and what is in front of you. 

Life is not meant to be recklessly passed over. Society has conditioned us to think that we need to spend every waking hour being productive, active, accomplishing something, or marking off a task on our to-do list to be a contributing member of our household, community, or world.

How many times have you heard the phrases below or even more importantly, how many times have you spoken them? 

I'm just sooooo busy!
I wished I had more time!

Life at the beach can teach us all a lesson about slowing down and just being present in the moment. The promising part is that you don't need the beach to incorporate this mentality. You need the mindset and wherewithal to apply it.

(Although Greg and I are pretty competitive, we were both ok with running very slow as we matched the flow of the beach pace - and truthfully, with the temperatures and humidity, we likely couldn't have gone any quicker than we did - we were just so grateful our bodies allowed us to complete the run.)

Day 74

As we were walking along the shoreline, we came across several Portuguese Man-O-War on the beach. Many were still alive and it amazed me that they could survive the slamming of the waves and be pushed ashore and yet still be alive. In the first picture, you can see the poisonous tentacles. They are actually not jellyfish but rather a siphonophore and they don't swim. The bubble-looking part serves as a float. Greg attempted to push it back into the ocean but was unsuccessful as you can see the size of the waves relentlessly pushed it back. Now learning a little more, we could have picked it up by the float and thrown it back which may have proven a more successful return to the ocean.

Day 75

Have you had days where you felt hopeless at the end of the day or that your presence made absolutely no impact? Somedays I reflect on my day and wonder if I spoke positive or encouraging words to someone. This quote really spoke to me in terms of it is ok to JUST show up somedays. I don't have to be 100% perfect or on my "A" game, but I showed up.
I showed up to open the door for a student where school is a safe place.
I showed up to give medication to a child who needs it at noon.
I showed up to fix the copy machine that is jammed again.
I showed up to push a child in a wheelchair with a broken leg.
I showed up to hug a child who was inconsolable (as the snot smeared across my shirt).
I showed up to answer a phone call from a concerned parent.
I showed up for the teachers who show up every day and are working so incredibly hard right now.

I SHOWED UP......to do the ordinary. Nothing extraordinary....just the ordinary.

Day 76

Well, this is the highest I have ever seen or had to pay for fuel. We filled at $4.79 but closer to the airport it was $5.49. This is just so expensive and should it continue, it will surely impact all of us. We will see rising costs in our food, the tourism industry will take a huge hit, and will create hardships for many families. It makes me sad that some families will have to make lifestyle changes just to be able to afford to fill their vehicles. Even though most employers are offering raises, it likely won't cover the increase. 

Day 77

Dexter fans will appreciate this post. 

If you recall from a previous post, my apartment in Jamestown had a main water break and a portion of the building flooded. Yesterday, I walked down the hallway and felt like I was part of Dexter's kill room. 

Day 78

Oh my goodness, no words for this coffee. It is so delicious and I should have purchased more while in the Keys. If you ever head that direction, stop at Baby's Coffee (which is a coffee shop/convenience store). It is right off of Highway 1 and you will likely miss it if you don't put it in your GPS. The line was long and worth the wait and the coffee beans are even better.

Day 79

When I think of clutter, I think of my house or my office space. I loved this quote because clutter is so much more than physical items in our spaces.

 Clutter exists in many forms:

eating to fill a void

unhealthy relationships

repetitive negative thinking

too much time on our electronic devices


engaging in toxic conversations

obsessive thoughts

Don't let the clutter in your life overtake the true purpose and intention of your life. 
Find ways to eliminate the clutter from your life and enter each day free of chaos.


Take care friends and family - it appears spring is here!


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