Week 8

Day 51

Choose your hard!

I heard this quote, and it really made me stop and think about how life can throw us unexpected challenges, and our instinct might tell us to step away from the hard moments.

Yes, I suppose one could disengage from anything hard, but I am not sure that is always an option. 
What is hard to me might not be hard for you and vice versa. We each identify what is hard based on our ability to cope with adversity, our resilience, desire, and circle of support. 

Considering we cannot predict when our hard will present itself to us, we should prepare ourselves to make the hard decisions each day and choose the hard based on what we value. 

Day 52

Oh, the winter weather in North Dakota is getting to me this year. It is one of those winters that just keeps going on and on and on. Every time we get a nice day my mind tricks me into believing this is the beginning of spring and then the reality hits that the -37 (with the windchill) and no travel advised slaps me back to the present. Thank goodness winter is not forever and brighter, warmer days are ahead. 

Day 53

Well, my night was interrupted with alarms and a whole lot of water in my apartment complex. I have absolutely no reason to complain because my unit did not experience any water damage. I felt for the families and individuals displaced. They think it was a sprinkler head that defaulted, and the water poured into the building for close to 40 minutes before it was shut off. 

I felt like I was on the movie set of the Titanic. I saw people walking through the water with their animals and meaningful possessions. It is hard to see those affected by this unforeseen event. We can never predict when things like this might happen and whether or not it will impact us. So, again I sit back and am so grateful that I was spared the chaos, and displacement others have to endure.

Day 54

Not sure if you all are like me but sometimes I feel like I could be a slight hoarder. I hold onto things longer than I need to because one-time decades ago, I threw away a bank statement that I needed for some mortgage paperwork. So, I would never make that mistake again and developed a bad habit of keeping items much longer than ever required. 

I went back and forth tallying the pros and cons of getting rid of my grad school binders, thinking of the work put into them and the fact that I might need them again someday. The funny thing is I have saved electronic copies of every document (likely in more than one place on my computer). However, after much deliberation, I decided to get rid of the binders. To ensure I wouldn't second guess my decision, I put them into a dark garbage bag (thinking I would forget they were in there if I couldn't see them) and let them sit in my apartment for a couple of days before making their way to the dumpster.

I could probably assume anyone reading this who is not a Type A personality is thinking I am all sorts of crazy right now.

Day 55

I love this because it depicts the value of conversations with others. 

Have you ever thought - 'I was in the right place at the right time?' 

There have been many times in my life where I feel I had been hand-picked to be in that place for that conversation. I was meant to hear that message! I have met some amazing people through one single conversation that has left a lasting impression on me as a human and on my practice as an educator. 

Next time someone suggests you try something out of your comfort zone, they see in you what you may not see yourself, and you should consider it.
Next time someone gives you sound, heartfelt advice, be willing to entertain that they may see a situation much differently and have your best interest at heart.
Next time someone tells you you are beautiful, believe it.
Next time.............sometimes we won't get a next time, so take advantage of the conversations that are meant to move you, challenge you, engage you, and change you!

Day 56

I am so happy I can once again read fiction. After years of graduate work, I was only reading educational content (which helped me through my course work but did not provide that escape from reality, which fiction often does). Here is a list of my most recent favorites:

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid
Verity by Colleen Hoover
The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides
It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover
The Last Thing He Told Me by Laura Dave

Day 57

Marathon training is no joke. It is hard physically and mentally. With any training, you have days that are better than others. For me long runs typically happen on Saturday mornings. So, all week you think about and prepare for the long run on the weekend. I know there are those people who love to run and look forward to the peace and solitude a nice long run brings them................... well, that is not me. 
I actually have to cover up the treadmill mile counter with a towel because I will obsessively watch it (remember I am a Type A personality) and wish away every 1/10th of a mile. 

You might ask, can't you just look at your Apple watch and see your distance and yes, I could but luckily I cannot see my watch without my glasses so it is just one big blur (and I surely don't run with my glasses on). I guess the only reason I wear a watch is to prove that I actually did run. 

The treadmill I run on while in Jamestown does not sync to my Apple watch, so I always have to decide do I use the mile counter on the treadmill or on my watch. The treadmill at my apartment complex is a bit older, so I assume it could be inaccurate but my watch might not be accurate either because it is being used indoors. 

I love the treadmills at the Rec Center in Dickinson because they sync with my Apple watch and there is no uncertainty (well........... unless the treadmill hasn't been calibrated in a while, it might be off). 

See these are nonsensical things one thinks about when training for a marathon ----------or is it just me!

These are some of the thoughts I have during running:

I think I feel a twitch in my foot
I am sure my feet will start burning soon
Where and what am I going to eat after this run
How can I seriously be developing a blister in a new spot
When can I take a water break and step off of the treadmill for 2.5 seconds
How close am I to the next mile marker
Oh, I cannot wait to step into a warm shower
I clearly didn't use enough glide in the right places
My feet are officially on fire
Oh no, I feel my calf beginning to cramp
When should I take a gel..... is it too soon or will I wait too long and crash and burn
How can I have this much sweat
I'm pretty sure I feel a toenail lifting already
Thank goodness I can have a latte after this run
Training for a race is all sorts of physical and mental madness, you should try it!

May the first week of March bring warmer weather and the hope that spring is right around the corner.


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