Week 7

 Day 44

I often say I wished who I am today could have been who I was decades ago. However, the many exceptional and difficult life experiences have shaped who I am and how I have grown. It has truly been the most challenging moments that have crafted my growth journey.

Growth takes time. 
Growth takes reflection. 
Growth takes work. 
Growth needs experiences. 
Growth needs others. 
Growth takes support. 
Growth takes discipline.
Growth involves heartache.
Growth involves happiness.
Growth is complex.
Growth is uncomfortable.
Growth is intentional.
Growth is beautiful.
Growth is necessary.
And...... just when you think you have very little room to grow more, you will always have space if you make it a priority. 

Day 45

There was a Women's Church group that wanted to bless the staff at my school. They made a meal for our first night of conferences and filled our fridge with a wide-variety of drinks for the staff. In addition, they also donated lots of teacher school supplies (markers, post its, etc.). It was such a blessing to everyone to know that there are people out there wanting to bring happiness and joy to others. The staff is so grateful for their generosity and thoughtfulness.

Day 46

As I was leaving for school today, my earring fell out. I know this is not a big deal and I could have just taken out the other earring and called it a day. But..... I was determined to find a back to my earring. I have learned that I am persistent (Greg will call me relentless). I looked through everything in my desk to figure out a solution. I thought about bending the post (that will likely break), I thought about using a very small piece of masking tape on the back of my ear (that might cause irritation), but low and behold I cut off a small portion of a pencil eraser and it worked like a charm. I know this is incredibly insignificant in the scheme of one's day, but it is the small accomplishments that keep me going in life.

Day 47

In honor of the Winter Olympics, I wanted to bring back this gem from 2010. Aiden's obsession with skiing inspired him to create and design a set of skies from cardboard while taping them to his feet with athletic tape and crafting a set of poles from parts of an old tent. 
I always loved his spirit of ingenuity as he was always thinking outside the box. 

Day 48

Teachers - if you know- you know!

Day 49

I was supposed to be headed to the cities today to spend time with a life-long friend. Unfortunately, the ND and MN weather prevented my departure. I was disappointed with the weather and how it impacts my plans and what I desired to do this long weekend break. I have to again remind myself that if this is the worst thing that happens to me over the long break, I am quite blessed because it was just a slight inconvenience. 

Day 50

Today I was able to travel to the cities under much better conditions and was gifted this beautiful sunrise. I value how quickly the sunrise or sunset can change, somewhat like life. One cannot predict when we will experience beauty such as this but when it comes, we should rid our mind of distractions and enjoy it for what it is. Within a few seconds, it likely will be gone. 

How often do we forget to celebrate and internalize all the wonderful moments in our lives because we refuse to slow down?

Sometimes all it takes is a short-lived sunrise to extinguish random thoughts and just exist in my current space. When this occurs, I usually find beauty, peace, change, hope, and promise for the upcoming day.

To another week and hopefully warmer weather!
Take care all!


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