Week 6


Day 37

At this time of year, I long to be outside and breathe in the chilly air that brings just enough warmth to remind me that spring is around the corner. North Dakota's weather is often a roller coaster where it can be -10 degrees one day and 45 degrees the next. This Sunday was one of the nicer ND days which brought 39 degrees and some wind (but that is expected). Greg and I walked outside for the first time in a long time and the bright sun brought a sense of rejuvenation to close out the long season of winter. The small joy of taking a walk outdoors clears the mind and allowed me to let go of all that built up during the week. 

Day 38

Why do we complain? 
Why is it human nature to complain?

I feel that many of us complain and feel a connection when others can understand our frustration or misery. Complaining to others makes us feel that our experiences are relevant and acceptable, especially when others are feeling much the same. 

The statement below reminds me of the dangers and negativity associated with complaining. 

I love the portion that reiterates that complaining is the nonacceptance of what is. I had never thought of complaining in such terms. However, it is completely accurate. 

Knowing that complaining is never productive or positive, it is important to make a concerted effort to abstain from verbalizing or thinking negative thoughts about a situation or scenario. 

I hope to think twice the next time I feel the desire to complain because if I am not willing to change, leave, or accept the situation, then I shall remain silent. 

Day 39

How important is it to rest your body and mind? 

Receiving adequate rest and sleep are integral to one's overall health. Americans often do not rest until they are on vacation, during holiday breaks, or if they are fortunate, on the weekends. 

Rest and sleep offer many life benefits: 

immune system booster
stronger mental clarity
better mood
improves memory
increases productivity
ability to cope with adversity

I have always prioritized sleep and rest because I learned a long time ago that I do NOT function well without sleep. My family knows that I usually take naps on the weekends (like 2-3 hour naps). Although I have to forgo other tasks to rest, the time is well spent because it gives me the downtime to shut my brain off. 
NEVER apologize for resting or napping - it does not make you lazy but rather it allows you the energy to accomplish so much more.

Day 40

Who do you surround yourself with? 

Do you surround yourself with positive people?
Do you surround yourself with people of similar values and morals to yours?
Do you feel good about yourself when you are with others?
Do the people you spend time with make you a better person?

It is important to spend time with people who build you up, who make you feel valued, who make you want to be more, and those who bring you closer to finding your authentic self. 

God brings people into our lives to make us better and to teach us lessons, so allow yourself to let in those who deserve a place in your heart and mind and let go of those who no longer fit what you need or want.

Day 41

I have always struggled with patience. As a type-A personality, I struggle to wait and ride out situations as they unfold. I want the answer right now or I want the situation resolved right now. I will never forget a very wise friend tell me that God will continue to provide me opportunities to practice patience. She reminded me that patience is in my control and only my control. Her brutal honesty is exactly what I needed at that time. I never took offense to her words because they were 100% accurate and what made me evaluate my lack of patience. 

Day  42

Greg and I get a lot of questions? A lot of questions? 
Or should I say that many are just wondering what the heck we are doing with our lives and careers?

To keep it simple, after Aiden graduated I accepted a position in Jamestown as a full-time principal. Greg could have retired after my first year in Jamestown and we thought that was the likely path he would take; however, he enjoyed his position at DHS and wanted to return.

So.........where does that leave us today. I am still a principal in Jamestown, he is still at DHS, we both still enjoy our jobs, and yes, is it unconventional and not the journey we ever imagined, but we are making it work.

These are the most recent happenings for us but one never knows when our journey will take a detour or pitstop.

Day 43

I had looked all week for my credit card - checked every coat I wore, every pair of jeans or pants I wore, every purse I used, and every pocket in my school bag. I have a bad habit of taking out my debit card to fill gas or buy a coffee and not return it to my wallet. I checked my bank account every day hoping someone didn't find it in the street and decide to use it. Low and behold, I realized it must have been in a sweater pocket (seriously, not even sure why I would have put it there) because after a load of laundry, look what was tucked away in the door of the dryer. 

Positive: The card still works after being washed and dried
Lesson Learned: Put things back where they belong right after you use them (pretty sure this is a life lesson I have worked incredibly hard to teach my children and I still don't practice it - I still have so much to learn).


Have a great Valentine's Day tomorrow!
May you be surrounded with the love of your family and friends.


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