Week 5

 Day 30

I was afraid to be me! 

I was afraid I did not have the expertise.
I was afraid I did not have enough experience.
I was afraid I was not smart enough.
I was afraid I could not measure up to those around me.
I was afraid I did not fit in.
I was afraid I was not doing enough.

I was afraid to be me, just me!

Once I was brave enough to begin the transformation of letting go of the fear and unapologetically being myself, I found peace and security in myself that I did not know existed. It took time, effort, self-reflection, and vulnerability. Once I accepted who I am and who I am meant to be, it was life-changing. It certainly did not happen overnight or with one specific event, but over time and circumstances.

So, if you are questioning if you are good enough, smart enough, or talented enough, you are creating a space of self-doubt which opens the door to being inauthentically who you are meant to be.

Day 31

I sometimes wished I could see my week ahead so I could mentally prepare myself for what I may need to get through the week. However, I would likely miss many more days of school if I knew what was coming - hahahahahah. I might feel a migraine come on, begin a persistent cough, get food poisoning, and the list could go on and on. 

God gives me enough of what I need to get through the week. He offers me grace, patience, resilience, guidance, and HIS word to give me ALL that I need to get through the week!

Day 32


Even though we all need it, we oftentimes do not receive it. 

I need it!

You need it!

We all need it!

Life has been tough these last few years and if a bit of encouragement helps us get through the hour, day, or week then we are winning.

I put up an encouragement board and challenged staff to take the positive quotes off of the board and give them to a staff member that deserves or needs some encouragement. 

It brought so much joy to my day when I would see staff members carrying a card and reading the back to find out who gifted them with words of encouragement. As cards are removed from the board, I continue to add new ones. This very small gesture can mean so much to someone and give them the confidence to keep moving despite the hardship of working in a school during the pandemic. 

Although I held no expectation of receiving any cards, my secretary brought me four cards that had been placed in my mailbox. 

I felt so much excitement that I was given these cards and felt so humbled that others would think of me. It really is the small gestures that bring us much joy and encouragement. 

The $10 dollar cards are a small investment in bringing a smile to someone's face, encouraging words to get them through the day, a belief in themselves that they are doing a great job, or a reminder that they are valued. 

Day 33

As an educator, we have many moments of unavailing efforts. There are times we work so hard and seem to make little progress. We see it with student behaviors or those who struggle academically, yet we keep working. Sometimes we abandon one method for another and find success and other times we see none; however, that doesn't define whether we keep trying. 

All of my teacher friends will relate to the photo below. Sometimes it seems we just keep trying and trying and see no progress but we never give up. Eventually, we will get there.

Day 34

Today was the first day of the NDAESP Principal's Conference in Bismarck. I learned so much and am filled with new hope for the remainder of the school year along with many new ideas to make my school a better place. 

This Brian Tracy quote sums up how I feel about learning.

"Continuous learning is the minimum requirement for success in any field."

This quote resonates with me because it does not matter one's field because growth and learning should exist in all. 

 New research, new practices, and new technology have transformed every career and it is our responsibility to keep informed and up-to-date.

Day 35

The conference began with a motivational speaker and ended with another. I laughed, danced, cried, listened, and had many wonderings during their presentations.

 Some of my takeaways:

*Start today - don't wait for the perfect opportunity, time, or day (or you may miss your chance)

*Change takes time - do not get discouraged when results aren't instantaneous

*Expect resistance - but don't change your expectations

*Focus on the big picture - but be reminded of the moments in between

*Equality - we cannot serve people we think we are better than

*Don't wait for permission to be great

These take-aways are not exclusive to education. They can be applied to any facet of life, personally or professionally.

Day 36

Changes in life are expected but sometimes hard to accept. I knew it was only a matter of time before this post would be written but it is still hard nonetheless. 

When we raise our children, we do so with the intent that they will be happy, productive members of society (and I should add those who are self-sufficient and do not need mom or dad to take care of them financially). I am thrilled to report that two of our three children have been in this position for a while now (we only have one little leech left - hahahahah- although I will give him grace since he is still in college). 

So, with that being said, Ireland and Jack are moving across the country to North Carolina. I am genuinely happy for them and know that this is something their hearts have desired. My heart says stay in Fargo where I can see you often, but that appears to be a bit selfish. We have raised an independent daughter (although hard at times) and this is her life to live with her husband. Just as Greg and I chose a particular lifestyle for our family, she and Jack deserve the same understanding from us. 

Considering my word for the year is value.....

 I value the time we have had together these past few years

I value their independence

I value their ability to take risks

I value more opportunities to travel to the east coast


I wonder if it ever gets easier when families go through big changes. I imagine not! 


'til next week friends and family - may the longer days of sunlight bring you happiness and more time outdoors. 


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