Welcome 2022

I have come to the conclusion that I function best when I have a lot on my plate. I finished school in August and do I dare say that my moments of boredom are filled with TikTok, Netflix, Instagram, Hulu, and Facebook. I should be spending my time engaging in meaningful activities. Social media along with my very questionable television choices do not fit any category of personal inspiration or growth. 

So, I have made the commitment to jump back on the blog train but with a small twist. I will be using ONE WORD to encapsulate the day or a moment within the day that may or may not include a picture. When I completed my picture a day two years ago, I had no understanding of the impact the blog would have on me (and even others). It helped me focus on all of the good in the world which is so needed right now in 2022.

January 1

The new year brings promise of new beginnings, new starts, and new potential. However, so often those are just words spoken rather than put into action. According to a NY post article....

The top reason our resolutions don't stick is a lack of discipline (52%), followed by busy schedules and lacking the proper time to see them through (43%).

Discipline is a life skill everyone should possess (the earlier in life the better). It is much more work to stay disciplined than to abandon your resolutions. 

January 2

Living close to my adult children is quite a gift. They are all in Fargo which makes it so much more convenient to spend time with them. I feel so fortunate to have spent many days with all of them in 2021 and look forward to many more in 2022. I am realistic and do understand that this scenario might not be forever, but am so grateful for the time right now. 

January 3

After a much needed holiday break, we are back at school. Resuming school is always bittersweet. I look forward to seeing the students and staff and hearing all of their great holiday stories explained with enthusiasm, but also, I mourn the finality of Christmas. The season brings a feeling that is difficult to replicate outside of the holiday. The family gatherings, music, and the lights sparkling through the dark winter nights bring a sensation of calm and peace. What a blessing that we are given another opportunity in 11 short months to experience the wonder once again!

January 4

Even though the holiday break never quite seems long enough, I crave the routine that going back to school brings. A routine and a consistent schedule keep me grounded and focused. As a type-A personality, I thrive on routine and predictability throughout my day. The funny thing is..... my job is surely not predictable. Every day brings new challenges and circumstances that one cannot predict. I suppose I have learned to balance my desire for a strict routine along with the realistic nature of my career.

January 5

When a calm day comes along I will take it in and relish in the cumulative moments (although I will not do this until 4:00 pm and the day is over, otherwise if I speak the word 'calm' it will surely be stripped from me before the word is fully spoken). Today was calm and calm is always good in a school setting.

January 6

Have you ever had moments where you are taken back to a time and place and your memories exceed your expectations? Our students participate in a rollerskating unit and I decided to lace up the skates and give it a go. Who remembers Wheel-a-While along with AB Pizza? Such fond memories of the thousands of laps made around that rink hoping that some cute boys might show up.

What I learned about rollerskating in 2022:
1. Once you learn to rollerskate you always know how to rollerskate
2. You only go one speed when you are 48
3. You look forward to skating in the opposite direction as after a few laps your ankles begin to ache
4. Having a pom-pom on your skates makes you feel so much cooler
5. Elementary students are amazed an old lady like me can still skate

January 7

Do you ever have OFF days? Today was one of those for me. I sent a text to Greg just telling him I was feeling out of sorts. I could not put into words why I was feeling this way, I JUST WAS. I think sometimes there is no explanation for why we are not feeling ourselves. I have learned to just accept it for what it is and get through the day. Greg shared with me that thank goodness my "OFF" day is on Friday rather than on a Monday. It is all about perspective and trying to see the positive in an unfavorable situation.

January 8

Our Samson has a birthday today - 15 years old (76 years in human years). We are actually very surprised he is still with us as his age has definitely caught up to him. He has lost his sense of sight, most of his hearing, and function of his bladder. However, he still seems to be very happy when he is not sleeping. Aiden shared with me that he really only knows a life with Samson in it since he was 5 when we got him. 

I specifically remember the day in March when we (I use the term 'we' loosely) brought him home. Landen and Aiden went with me to the pet store where we just wanted to hold one of the sweet puppies. As we were falling in love with him, another lady in the store asked if she could hold him as well to see which one she wanted to buy. Even though we had no plan to purchase a dog, the words out of my mouth were something like, "we are likely going to take this one" so you would be next in line. 

I forgot to include one small detail that Greg was not part of this plan whatsoever. He was in Deadwood at a coaching conference and I tried to call him to tell him that we are thinking about getting a dog and wanted his input. 

With two boys hounding me to just 'GET THE PUPPY,' and my own sense of urgency that this 'other lady' wanted him, WE bought the puppy. By the time Greg called back, the puppy was already frolicking in our backyard (one of those nice winters with no snow in March). 

Although Greg had no interest in this little guy for the first week, they have become great buddies. We cannot imagine he will be with us much longer, but boy has he brought joy to our family throughout the last 15 years. 

I hope your first week of 2022 was filled with promise of all the good to come in the upcoming year.


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