Week 4

 Day 23

This pandemic has created so many hardships for many people. It has cost people their lives, it has caused businesses to close their doors and never reopen, it has divided the country, and the list just goes on and on. Schools are no exception and have been impacted by the pandemic in ways educators could have never expected. 
A challenging aspect of Covid is the trickle effect on staffing. 
Unfortunately, schools, restaurants, retail stores, hospitals, and most service industries are incredibly short-staffed and the remaining employees show up and perform their duties and those of others in an effort to remain as normal as possible. Those employees who are able to come to work often volunteer to forgo their lunch hour or their prep period to help out the entire staff. So many people are selfless individuals who inconvenience their day and schedule to help others. As a school leader, I recognize I cannot do it alone and rely on the amazing staff members who are willing to rise to the occasion even though it often creates a hardship for them.

Day 24

Well, I did a hard thing today. I shoveled the schools' walkways because the custodian was out. I think we all need to take a moment and applaud anyone who shovels any type of driveway, walkway, or steps to make sure we all have a safe place to walk. I will be honest and tell you that at home, Greg does all of the shoveling or snow blowing (I literally have not done any since I had back surgery almost 11 years ago) - until TODAY. 

Rather than complain about the difficulty of shoveling, I valued it as an unexpected workout. The problem is this 45-minute 'workout' left me feeling like I just stepped out of a steam room with my clothes on and then I was supposed to work all day. 

So, to all of the snow shovelers out there - you deserve a shout-out! It is so much more work than it appears. 

Day 25

Some days are harder than others and today was one of those. The quote by Brene Brown sums up what leadership sometimes feels like.

These hard days make me question if I am in the right profession or role, but I always resort back to the notion that I am exactly where I am supposed to be. The teachings of Jesus do not promise all days of harmony and good, but rather how our reliance on Him is what will help us endure the days of falling down and getting back up.

Day 26

Today was a day filled with pure chaos. Rather than bore you with the details of a challenging day, I will amuse you with my response. I was worn out, exhausted, and had zero mental capacity to cope with the remainder of my day. So, I stopped at a grocery store and just browsed the aisles until something looked good to make for dinner. 

Anyone who knows me well, knows that I surely didn't purchase a steak to cook to perfection or anything that might include more than one ingredient. So..... what did I purchase you might ask...........

Kraft Macaroni and Cheese - Unicorn -Shaped Pasta

After sitting down with my cooked unicorn-shaped macaroni and a good book, my mood improved tremendously. So, never apologize for doing whatever you need to put yourself in a better place. 

Life is short and if a $1.59 box of macaroni makes me happy and helps me regroup for the remainder of the day and the next day, I will happily do it again. 

(BTW: When my kids were growing up, they always wanted the traditional mac-n-cheese to which I obliged as do most moms. Now with no kids to please, I can pick out whatever this 48-year-old woman wants.)

Day 27

I am convinced we cross paths with hand-picked people to teach us life lessons. 

Interacting with both wonderful and difficult people serves almost the same purpose............ to make us better humans

When we interact with great people, we want to become great! When we interact with negative, challenging, or rude people, we want to be the exact opposite. It seems that both are important for becoming who we should be. 

Day 28

Sometimes we fall into the trap of trying to think we have to accomplish all when we should just focus on one component at a time. I have learned that taking time to focus on one aspect of a task rather than try and master it all at once has proven very beneficial.

This mantra is what has helped me get through college, tackle a tough day at school, or train for a race. 
This is why when we expect good things to happen, we cannot expect to arrive at them in an unreasonable amount of time. 

I cannot decide I am going to lose weight and be 10 pounds lighter within two days
I cannot decide to run a marathon today and run it tomorrow without adequate training
I cannot decide I will buy a new house without proper savings
I cannot travel across the globe without planning for weeks or months in advance
I cannot read just the last chapter of a book and understand it in its entirety
I cannot get to the top of a ladder without climbing its rungs first

A large portion of this mentality includes patience. So much learning happens in the space between the beginning and the end. Do not wish away that space because that is where you will experience the most growth.

Day 29

I still love more than anything the simple things in life. Greg and I went to Fargo to spend the weekend with the kids. One of our favorite activities is to get coffee and just visit. We talk about life events, travel plans, and at Ireland's request, we are going to begin 'Hot Topics.' (stay tuned for more info)

We all agreed that we love when we bring up a hot topic and we all weigh in with our own individual perspectives. It is such a great time to understand and respect others' opinions and beliefs.

Young Blood - Brown Sugar Oat Milk Latte

Stay healthy and happy friends - see you next week!


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