Week 3

 Day 16

Most of you know how much I just love the holiday season beginning right after Halloween and ending sometime in January. So, the day the decorations must come down is always a bit sad for me. I do appreciate less clutter but the removal and storage of the trees and miscellaneous decorations brings about a slight tinge of melancholy. I have come to realize it is not the decorations that I am attached to but rather the feelings associated with them. As the house transforms into a warm and cozy space, I begin to prepare my heart for all of the wonderful memories to be made within this short period and when the decorations are put away, a part of my heart goes with them. During the holidays, we intentionally gather and create memories while eating, visiting, decorating cookies, playing games, watching movies, or just existing in the same space together. Those times are invaluable and I cherish them each and every year because one never knows when it might be our last.

Day 17

I gauge my sense of nervousness on whether or not I sweat and break out in hives.
Can anyone else relate to this????
 About a decade ago, I was complaining to a friend, Scott Obrigewitch, that I get sooooooo nervous when I have to public speak. I told him I literally get sweaty armpits and I don't remember a single word I spoke (including my own name). He specifically told me that the only way to overcome this fear is to continue to put myself in situations where I have to speak in front of others. I will never forget those words as they stuck with me. As the years progressed and my position in education changed, I was forced to begin speaking whether or not I got sweaty pits, hives, dry mouth, or all of the above. 

I am happy to report that when I spoke during professional development in front of the elementary staff at Jamestown Public School, I did not get sweaty pits. Thanks, Scott, for your encouraging words so many years ago. I have finally grown up and can now confidently speak in public.

Day 18

I would not label myself as a lazy person (although I do love a two to three-hour nap on the weekends); however, the text message below between Greg and I would speak otherwise. 

So....... let me get this straight. 

I am signing up for a marathon (26.2 miles) but won't walk the short distance (1/10th of a mile) from my apartment door to my garage to get my credit card. Greg should have told me 'absolutely not' and that the retrieval of my own card would be my first training exercise for the marathon (if going from the couch to my garage would be considered training).

Greg, Ireland, and I signed up for the Fargo marathon. Clearly, this is just another activity to fill the void of continuous research and writing.

Day 19

Sometimes we need to just rest (even if you just signed up for a marathon). As we age, it is important to listen to our bodies. I have learned that it isn't just my body that needs rest, but also my mind. There are times that my mental capacity to attend to one more thing is evident and my physical body and well-being begin to respond to the stress. When you start to experience unrest in your head-space, take a break and disconnect. Your body and mind will thank you!

Day 20

In my younger years, I often thought that if Greg and I just had more money I would be happier (as do many young people). I thought it would afford us more vacations, a fancier home, etc., which it could have possibly done; however, that is no longer what I value in life.

The next time you wished you had unlimited funds, evaluate what you have from the list of items that money cannot buy. And...... I would assume most of the people reading this blog have many, if not all, of the items on the list, which is a true gift and blessing. These are the characteristics that you will be remembered for and the legacy you will leave behind.

Day 21

Do you know what money can buy? An excessive amount of Nips. One may ask, why must you buy 12 boxes? Well, let me tell you, that the Peanut Butter Parfait Nip is a 30-calorie delight. Cash-Wise used to carry these and they were often on sale 5 boxes for $5.00. Unfortunately, these small candies are almost impossible to find anymore. Cash-Wise in Dickinson, Bismarck, and Jamestown no longer carry them. They surely carry the Butter Rum, Chocolate Parfait, Coffee, and Caramel which will not suffice (they are not the same). 

So, when I found this box of 12 for $21.72, there was no question this was placed in my Amazon cart and ordered. Any bets on how long it will last???? 

Day 22

On this Saturday afternoon, I thought I would crafty. I had almost everything and needed very little to complete this small project. Since my holiday items needed to come down, I figured I needed to replace it with something inviting.

I shared this with Ireland and told her I was being crafty today and she shared (in a family group chat) the picture below that she designed on her ipad. She said she wanted some color in her house and decided to design a print based on one she saw but didn't want to purchase, so she made it herself. 

Even though she wasn't taking orders, everyone promptly put in their order.

Greg: something for his someday bourbon room
Aiden and Macy: something for their bedroom (although I want to believe they sleep in separate rooms)
Landen: a cat print 
me: a zen print for my office (I even included colors - hint, hint)

May you all remain healthy during another surge of Covid.


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