Week 2

Day 9

Do you ever have moments where you are completely shocked and do not expect the outcome? I didn't have any crazy situation or anything wild happen but I did watch the season finale of Dexter and found my eyes wide and my jaw open with wonder of what just happened. I do not want to ruin it for any of you who may consider watching it or have not finished it yet, but boy oh boy did the writers do an amazing job of an unanticipated ending. I just love this show for all of its madness with a twist of reality. 

I remember feeling the same way when I watched the Titanic for the first time. The ruminating thoughts related to the movie lingered with me for quite some time. Somehow these writers have the innate ability to choreograph words and actions to elicit feelings of curiosity, astonishment, and surprise for days after the conclusion of the movie. 

Although I wonder what will come of the Dexter series, if anything, I seem to long for an element of shock value that the show has brought. 

Day 10

Optimistic - Favorable - Positive - Encouraging - Hopeful - Unwavering 

There are so many words that are synonymous with OPTIMISTIC!
Even with so many words and ways to show optimism, why is remaining optimistic so challenging some days? Careers, children, spouses, finances, and health (both physical and mental) are barriers to remaining optimistic. When one barrier begins to surface or all of them begin to blanket each other, we are likely to become pessimistic and feel despondent. We develop a jaded lens and are limited by our own perceptions of what we control. 

Considering I chose the word 'value' for 2022, I desire to find value in my daily barriers. Rather than highlight the negative during my day, I strive to use those challenges as opportunities to become a more optimistic individual. Will I fail, yes, likely by tomorrow morning, but will I try again with my next opportunity, absolutely!

Day 11

I am the homeless liaison for my district and was required to attend a day-long training on the resources available to students who have been identified as homeless. Even though I am the liaison, I am still quite removed (since I don't do home visits) from actually seeing the true impact of homelessness and it always surprises me when I hear stories of our homeless youth in North Dakota.

I often wonder how to break the cycle of poverty and support those who are unable to help themselves. I am well aware that many adults choose not to help themselves or are incapable of helping themselves, but I feel for the innocent children caught in the firestorm of their parents' decisions and choices. For those of you reading this blog that do not work in education, we have students across the ENTIRE state that are taking care of themselves and their siblings, living in deplorable conditions, abused (physically, mentally, sexually, and verbally), and some that have no means of communicating once they go home.

It amazes me that some of these students come to school with the desire and ability to learn. Those are the easy ones....... 

How do we help the ones who have witnessed or experienced major trauma, have an absent parent(s), come to school starving, come to school without adequate sleep, or come to school just to be loved? Well, we do what we can and that is to provide a safe, secure, stable environment for the children.

 If only I could find the solution to generational poverty and shift the paradigm so these students would have a fighting chance to experience the world that you and I have been afforded.
Day 12

One of the positives of working in education is that we sometimes get to hear the impact we have made on others. At the least expected time, I received a text from a former high school student at Richardton. He sent me the text below:

This message literally brought tears to my eyes, and when we, as educators, receive these messages, we are humbled beyond words. I almost did not want to share the message because I do not want to come across as bragging. I am so incredibly grateful for texts like these that keep me motivated to continue to be better and do more for students. 

There is not a single soul out there that has not had an impact (good or bad) on another human being. I just hope my personal and professional decisions always lead to positive and meaningful impacts on others. 

The mysterious element of 'leaving an impact' often goes unmentioned. We, the giver, have no understanding of how wonderful or awful we may have been but the receiver carries it with them forever.

Day 13

As I get older I value comfortable clothing, in particular socks. I asked for Bombas for Christmas and they surely do not disappoint, I see what all of the hype is about.

 I love that the small things in life still bring me great joy!

Day 14

I have shared with you Greg's nonsensical collection of bourbon (or so I think I have). I find absolutely no value (I know this is my word and I am trying to find the value) in his plethora of bottles. I only can see $$$$ being thrown away as it always ends up in the sewer. I cannot wrap my head around spending over $100 on a bottle that is poured into a glass one moment and ends up in the toilet the next. He says he does not buy much so this is his splurge and it brings him great joy. Well, so do the $100 Sorels I bought and the amount of time I can use them is endless. That bourbon is a one and done. Anyway, to rub salt in my wound and remind me of the importance of his bourbon collection, he sent me this meme 👇

I know this was a joke but his bourbon collection is quite important to him! The good thing is the shelf is overflowing and it appears there is little room for additional bottles...... thank goodness. 

Day 15

In my younger years, I used to thrive on planning everything. I think having children in the home required strict planning for every outing to ensure all went smoothly. Now, since it is just the two of us, I find that I plan very little. I am somewhat ok with whatever happens, happens! Greg on the other hand has ramped up his planning mastery since he apparently did not get his fill when the kids were home (perhaps because I did it all). 
We are planning a getaway in March and I am about ready to lose my mind. No stone has gone unturned with this planning........

We must plan for if we get Covid
We must be very thoughtful in planning our hotel/Airbnb reservations
We must plan for if the weather prevents us from making our flight
We must plan for the delays we might experience
We must plan for any unexpected hiccup to our plan 
We must plan for Covid protocols 

When one of the above occurs during our trip, which will likely happen, he will say 'I told you this is why we needed to plan the way we did.'  

Even though Greg has taken his planning to a whole new level, the type of accommodation does not matter to him. For example, he once booked an Airbnb in Seattle that had multiple large spears on the wall, used sage in a dish, Obama (no shade - I actually liked Obama) pillows on the porch (just thought it was super weird), and cobwebs in the shower. I literally was crawling out of my skin while I tried to sleep on the purple velour futon. I told him never again would he be in charge of planning the lodging.

In case you weren't traumatized enough by all that is going on in the picture above, please rest assured there is more weirdness below.

There is so much going on in this photo I don't even know where to begin or what to look at.

In the description of this Airbnb, they highlight the dartboard (which is on the bedroom door). No mention of the spears or machetes or whatever they are on the wall and the fact that only a cheap shower curtain prevents the upstairs residents and their cats from entering our space. 

***** I never once thought those spears would be used on us and we would never be found again*****
(Maybe all of my murder mystery shows have gotten to me)

I AM NOT JOKING - this is for real where we stayed and I always had one eye open!

All I truly care about is clean, comfortable accommodations. 
If the Tripadvisor reviews mentioned anything like....

stained carpet or comforter
noisy street nearby
uncomfortable beds
leaky faucet
pictures are deceiving

I would not give it a second look. I am low-maintenance in every aspect of my life except for hotels and sleeping accommodations. They don't need to be expensive or super extravagant, but I need to feel safe and comfortable.

I sure hope this short getaway goes 'AS PLANNED' and I can share some lovely photos or not-so-lovely photos. Nonetheless, I am sure we will have a great time.

Till next week my friends, may your heart be full of joy and gratitude!


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