Week #51



~My ever-expanding BUCKET LIST~

I have never been to Utah, which is one state I desire to travel to and spend an insane amount of time outdoors hiking.  These photos are taken from Angel's Landing, which is a challenging hike with only a thick chain to provide support if needed.  Someday (hopefully sooner rather than later), I will venture to Utah and hike this beautifully carved area.  In the video attached, individuals of all ages were taking on this intensive yet breathtaking endeavor.  Life is just too short to pass up an opportunity to witness this picturesque formation.


Unfortunately, I know all too well how this can sabotage a team sport.  For my entire married life, I have been a coach's wife.  I have witnessed teams fall apart and teams rise to the top based on this single concept.  

Parents often mean well and want to see their daughter or son succeed (not just as an individual but as a team).  The problem arises when parents undermine the coaching staff or the referees by finding fault in every move they make and verbalizing that to their student-athlete.  

What does this teach your child? 

-To mistrust the coach and to start questioning the coach's decisions as well
-To blame others when things do not go as planned (or as we perceived them to unfold)
-To find fault in other's actions, as a way to justify our own frustrations
-To question every offense or defensive change, as it will likely affect playing time or a potential scoring opportunity
-To undermine those in authority
-To place doubt in one's mind related to the overall plan
-To question the intent 
-That everyone should be perfect and never make mistakes

Coaches are humans and make mistakes like anyone else.  The interesting component is coaches are expected to make quick decisions in response to the changing game and under stressful circumstances.  Think of your own career, oftentimes we can ponder how to handle an unexpected challenge thrown our way and provide a response that is in the best interest of the overall organization.  Coaches have to do the same but within a time-frame of a few seconds and hundreds of times per game showered with high emotions.


*If a parent truly feels the coach is making questionable decisions, the most responsible way to handle the situation is to go directly to the coach and address your personal concerns with no mention of other players.  This is about your child!  The majority of coaches have the best intentions and do so because they love the sport they coach; however, they are human. 


Please note: The mistreatment of children or young adults (such as belittling a player, swearing at a player, or playing head-games) is an entirely different topic than what I have just addressed!



Aiden asked me why we send out Christmas cards (as I was slightly complaining because I ran out and had to order more).  I shared that in the past (when social media did not exist), Christmas cards were the method of yearly updating friends and family far away.  Nowadays, we can click on Facebook or Instagram and literally watch those we love participate in everyday activities, such as cheering at a football game, getting a haircut, going to prom, crawling for the first time, attending a concert, etc.  In the olden days, a handwritten letter with an annual family photo was the preferred way (and truly only way) for people to communicate their year in review.  

His comment did make me wonder why I still send them out, and why I still receive so many?  I guess some of us are still old-fashioned and love to get meaningful mail that brings us joy.  Even though this method seems archaic in Aiden's world, I plan on continuing for the time being.  




When we are having a bad day, we often feel like we are taking steps in reverse rather than forward.  And, honestly, on the bad days, we are leaping backward. However, if you can pull the sheets over your tired body, you have succeeded.......even if it is 8:00 pm.  There is never promise that each day will be filled with only positive, wonderful events.  Many of our days are overflowing with copious amounts of chaos, anger, frustration, sadness, and hurt, BUT tomorrow brings the possibility of a day filled with happy moments, encouraging words, productive work, or a mended heart.  

DO NOT LET ONE, OR TWO, OR SEVERAL BAD DAYS discourage the potential within you!



I can't even.  The beauty of snow-covered trees gets me every time.  I cannot say I love the cold, but I do live in North Dakota and right now that is not changing, so I WILL find enjoyment in the magnificent composition that lies before me.  


Living up north prohibits outdoor walks on most days.  Today was an exception.  It was 44 degrees and sunny in Dickinson.  What more could we ask for on Winter Solstice - the day of the year with the least amount of light? 


What I envision.............. beautifully crafted cutout cookies.  Then................................ two hours later and this is all I have the stamina for in one sitting.  We will see if they actually get finished.  


May your Christmas be filled with lots of holiday goodies, lovely family memories, and the reminder that Jesus was born so you and I could live.  


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