Week #50


This is so hard to remember when faced with challenging situations.  However, we must practice the skill of staying positive despite the negative influences of society.  I read a blog with 7 ways to practice positivity and optimism written by Faisal Hoque.  

1.  Guide Your Energy
-spend your time focusing on what you can control and make it positive (if you swim in negativity, your days will be completely filled with unfavorable moments)

2. Connect with Ourselves
-you are the only person who can truly understand your purpose and why you do what you do
-the more you can connect with yourself, you can connect with others

3. Practice Visualization
-this a skill we often forgo when faced with uncertainty
-visualization pushes your thinking beyond what you can comprehend
-we become what we think

4.  Slow Down to Move Forward
-no prize is won for finishing the most work or finishing it first
-delve into your inner peace and accept each moment for what it is 

5.  Read, Write, Watch
-what we learn from others will guide our own direction and path
-never lose sight of the knowledge embedded in those individuals

6.  Be Kind to Yourself
-do not beat yourself up when you make a mistake or a questionable decision
-imagine if you treated yourself as wonderful as you treated others?????
-you are way too important to put yourself last

7.  Develop Resiliency
-life happens and sometimes it is pretty frustrating and heartbreaking
-take each one of those discouraging moments and turn them into something positive that can either teach you a lesson or help someone else


Beautiful North Dakota Sunrise.

Each sunrise is the promise of a new beginning.  

If yesterday you hollered at your children, today you can try to remain patient during the excitement of the holidays
If yesterday you flipped out because your house was a mess, today is a day to be grateful you have a chaotic home to live in
If yesterday you gossiped about someone, today is the day to look in the mirror and know what it feels like when you are the subject of gossip
If yesterday you ate too many baked holiday goodies, today is the day you can throw in a vegetable or two
If yesterday you spent too much time in front of a screen, today is the day to make a special connection with another human
If yesterday you looked at your reflection and wished for something different, today is the day to see yourself as God sees you (perfectly made)
If yesterday you felt a slight bit of jealousy, today is the day to acknowledge your personal gifts and talents
If yesterday you spent time relaxing and taking time for yourself; today, do some more of that (we never take enough time to practice self-care)

Our existence on this planet is never guaranteed one more second, so do not beat yourself up when you perceive you have done something wrong.  It is all about waking up and living another day full of grace and kindness.


It is hard to see in this picture but when the snow falls just right these light pillars are visible.  

Wikipedia explains a light pillar as such:

A light pillar is an atmospheric optical phenomenon in which a vertical beam of light appears to extend above and/or below a light source. The effect is created by the reflection of light from tiny ice crystals that are suspended in the atmosphere or that comprise high-altitude clouds. 

So cool to see so early in the morning when the conditions are just right.


Snow glistening is one of the most picturesque sights!  I am not a fan of the cold but really do love the beauty of a fresh snowfall.  There is something about watching the snowflakes, big or small, falling peacefully from the sky. 


Image result for ivory fashion boots from the 80s

 I made a lot of questionable decisions as a pre-teen, but opening my wrapped gifts before Christmas when my parents would leave was definitely at the top. 

As I  was reminiscing about my past Christmas gifts, one specific gift came to mind. 

The year of the boots! 
(ivory slouchy boots to be exact)

 I didn't just open these boots one time (like all of my other gifts) and secretly attempt to wrap them to perfection like my mother had already done.  I opened them several times and would red-carpet walk the living room in pure innocent delight.  Nevermind, the elastic band that attached the two together created a slight hindrance when moving from one room to another.  I will say that I made sure to have at least an hour to unwrap, galavant around admiring my fashion boots, and rewrap.

You may ask...... wasn't it boring since you knew all of your gifts.  NOT. ONE. SINGLE. BIT.

My mom must have found out because she eventually stopped putting name tags on the presents.  She wrote some secret hidden code on the gifts so she knew who they belonged too.  Long story short - I not only knew what I was getting for Christmas but each of my siblings as well.  I have four siblings so you can imagine how many presents I had to open before finding one of my own. 

I wonder if my own kids would admit to doing this very thing????????????


At this time of year, we see and hear hundreds of references to Jesus and His birth.  I hope to never lose sight of His ever-loving presence at all times and in all circumstances.  NOT JUST AT CHRISTMAS!

 I strive to seek HIM 365 days of the year, as he does me.  His foundation provides faithfulness every second of every day and in all seasons. 


Let the holiday baking begin.  I am pretty sure I have consumed 100 percent of my daily calories before noon from these two treats.  Aiden's favorites are the shortbread bites (only 3 sticks of butter in that small tin of cookies).  Oh, well - Christmas only comes once a year!  More cookies to come!

Happy last week of school before break!


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