Week #49


What is MY STORY?

Does my story have to be something considerable, sophisticated, and impeccable or can my story be just plain ordinary?  I do believe that our stories are as unique as each of us.  I shouldn't strive to rewrite my story to replicate another's that I deem as superior.  Unfortunately, we live in a society that continually pressures us to think we should be something more substantial and something more exceptional.  Imagine if we just accepted our supremely written story for its arrangement and refrain from manipulating its composition?

MY STORY is MY STORY:  Completely organized and fashioned to unfold over time to expose my true purpose.


Conversation between Ireland and I:

Ireland:  Hey, mom I found this really cool mountain wall hanging that has lights behind it.
Me:  Oh, sounds cool.  Do you want it for Christmas?
Ireland:  It is really expensive!
Me:  I bet it is super cool though.

Fast forward literally 5 minutes - I scroll through Facebook and notice a product that appeared in my feed.  Wood wall hanging - not mountains, but personalized with my name.

I am very well aware that our technology contains features that make life wonderful, but I am not so sure how I feel about the way these apps are able to track our behaviors. 


You know it has been a day when you walk 4.25 miles while at school and you did not leave the building other than arriving and departing.  The school is not very large, so to rack up over four miles, I was a busy lady.  The positive - I don't have to workout today!


The TRUTH is...............................................
* sometimes life is difficult
* sometimes life is messy
*sometimes life is unpredictable
*sometimes life is chaotic
*sometimes life is challenging
*sometimes life is overwhelming
*sometimes life is exhausting
*sometimes life is unstable

Sometimes I wished I could wave a magic wand and change these moments into patterns of predictability that foster positive change in me.

The truth is.............just allow these days to exist (partly because we cannot prevent them) 
The truth is............we must not let the negative days steal our overall joy
The truth is.............you are the only one that can manage your response to life's uncertain nature
The truth is.........let the author of your story continue to write


Driving home from work can be so relaxing some days.  I look forward to the distinctive sky paintings each and every day.  Partially cloudy skies make the most spectacular sunsets and sunrises.  Commuting makes these views possible!


Greg and I have attended the Magical Medora Christmas performance the last few years.  One of my favorite concerts of the year.  You can't beat sitting for 1 1/2 hours listening to the classic Christmas songs sprinkled with a few newer selections.


Not sure anything can trump a Sunday afternoon watching my favorite movie of all time, "It's a Wonderful Life."  

What a great way to end my week (or begin my week depending on how you look at it).  This show is the epitome of what my Monday post is all about.  Sometimes the life we are handed is not what we envisioned but that does not mean we should throw in the towel.  Sometimes we have to persevere through the rough days and wait patiently for our story (written by God) to emerge.  

Have a lovely week ahead!


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