Week #48


I know I notice weird things in odd places, but when I made my latte this morning, I see a girl who is surfing the wave.  I wonder if my brain is thinking of warm beachy weather, knowing what is coming our way this week (in terms of weather).  Find the small things in life that bring you great joy----------for me, it is my morning latte. 


We all need grounding at times and how we ground ourselves is an individual journey.  Sometimes we have to just stop dead in our tracks when we are feeling a bit out of control.  There is nothing wrong with taking a step back and just evaluating your life for where it is and the direction it is headed.  There are no prizes for those who power through life at light speed pace - often times it only causes anxiety and stress to live that way.  Do not feel guilty when you must take a break, sometimes that is what you will need to keep moving in the direction intended.


Alone time is essential to one's emotional health.  We live in a culture where we are forced to go, go, go and constantly be inundated with stimuli.  Alone time with the absence of social media, electronics, television, or other people is incredibly beneficial.  How can we understand ourselves if we continually surround ourselves with other people or materialistic items?  Time spent on yourself will never be wasted time but rather the best investment for you and those around you.


Best way to start Thanksgiving morning!  Mimosas and coffee!  I am certain there couldn't be a better morning.  Ireland and Jack hosted Thanksgiving this year which was quite lovely and we are thankful they agreed to open their home to both Jack's family and Greg, Landen, and me (Aiden is with Macy in Vancouver).  

Thankful for him!  Our marriage is far from perfect while being lovely and messy all at the same time.  I do know that marriage takes commitment, honesty, vulnerability, and giving of yourself in ways you never thought were possible.  Thankful God gave me someone who understands my craziness and is willing to support me in all of my ridiculous endeavors in life.  


I have always been a fan of the trees in Minnesota and they are just as beautiful when barren and covered with snow.  I am so thankful for spending time with my sister as Greg is enjoying the Gopher basketball game today and will spend Saturday at the football game. 


Jack, Mike (Jack's stepdad), Marcus (Jack's brother) and Greg got up bright and early to spend the morning at College Game Day in Minneapolis.  Then onto tailgating and the game.  Long, cold, and fun day for them both.  Thankful for Mike as he helped make this dream possible for Greg.


Dear Midwest,
I sure love you many times throughout the year, but today is not one of them.  If you are aware we have a long, very long trip back to Dickinson, we would love for you to clear your skies and dry your roads for a safe trip home.  Thank you!


I hope each and every one of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with family, fun, and insane amounts of food.  Blessings to you!


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