Week #47


We cannot control what happens around us but we can CHOOSE our response when life takes an unexpected turn.  

Choosing happiness even when a situation seems anything but happy
Choosing forgiveness when your head says to hold onto the bitterness
Choosing joy when a situation is not full of joy
Choosing gratitude when life seems to be falling apart
Choosing to love those who can be unlovable at times
Choosing peace when the day is overflowing with chaos 
Choosing to trust that God's plan is much more perfectly designed than our own plan

Day after day we are faced with situations that force us to respond one way or another.  Just as the picture above shows a fence - oftentimes were are teetering on the thin wire wondering which side should we choose.  Do not forget that you, yes you, have the ultimate authority over your words and actions.



WHAT...............DID............I.................JUST................READ  ????????

Something so simple 'you are the best mom' truly made my day. FIVE SIMPLE WORDS.  Imagine how speaking five simple words can make a difference in someone's world.

I think we all get so busy trying to manage our own lives, we forget to speak words of gratitude or thanksgiving to others.  

Of course - I had to joke with him later saying that I am his only mom, so by default I have to be his best mom.


Oh, how I love it when my kids post pictures of times we shared.  I love that my family loves to enjoy the beauty of the outdoors as much as I do.  I wonder what it would be like to sit and listen to all of the dialogue that occurs between people along these hiking paths from years passed or today as I write this post - just imagine all of the stories! 



Gossip spreads like wildfire until someone blankets the inferno.  

 It only takes one person to step away and end the toxic interactions. 

Is that person you, is that person me, or should it be all of us?


Sent this to my BFF (Diane) - pretty sure we will find a way to make this happen.  Oh, how I love 80's music - brings back so many wonderful memories of dragging main in the Zapot (Villard St. in Dickinson), heading out to Green River (gosh, that was a fun time), or just hanging out with friends. 
Those were the days---- (boy, that makes me sound old)!  


1. My family (99% of the time)
2. A note of thanks
3. My kids' blankets when they were little (not so much anymore)
4. My Christmas tree
5. The ocean
6. Hiking trails
7. Paper and pens
8. My espresso machine (coffee makes me a better person - haha)


I just love waking up and relaxing with a cup of coffee in front of my tree.  


................... a portion of lights go out!  

Those lights worked when I Saran Wrapped the tree, the lights worked for the last two weeks, and now they go out.  I am hopeful I do not have to rip the whole tree apart and can just replace the small section!  Sunday Surprises!


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