Week #46


The same wonderful view every morning!  

Aiden saunters upstairs with a blanket wrapped around his shoulders looking for his dog.  If you recall from earlier posts about Aiden's morning routine, it definitely does not include speaking to anyone.  He will quietly lay down with Samson and prolong the inevitable of getting ready for school.  

Life is short - enjoy the moments while they are present.

 Next year at this time - Samson (if he is still with us) will likely be in the same spot doing the same thing; however, Aiden's life will be an entirely new adventure. 


?These two?

Not sure how these two convinced both sets of parents that it would be a good idea to travel to Vancouver over Thanksgiving break.

Of course, their convincing ways started with a list of all of the benefits.....

-it is not Thanksgiving in Canada so it is cheap to fly 
-Macy's aunt and uncle will give them cool experiences while in Vancouver
-Safe and appropriate sleeping arrangements
-Great time of year in terms of weather in Vancouver
-they are both responsible teenagers

Now, on to the challenges.......

-since they are flying Air Canada, they need to drive to Regina (mom worry - what if the weather is bad, what if the car breaks down, what if you can't get across the border?????)
-Aiden is 18 and Macy is 17 - will this be a problem at the border as well?
-Aiden won't be home for Thanksgiving - boooooooooooooo
-with Aiden gone - not sure how we will capture a family photo for our Christmas card (I have been trying to figure this out for a while now)
-they are teenagers

I need to remind myself that this isn't about me, it is about the two of them who are ready to expand their wings and step away from the comforts of the predictable.  Even though I will need a lot of mimosas to get through the day, I know I will be fine and so will they!


Genius holiday decorating hack!  

When Landen, Ireland, and Aiden were little, they would reminisce about each ornament that they placed on the tree (which was always strategically positioned on the bottom half of the tree and was privately moved by me after they lost the stamina to continue decorating).

As the kids became teenagers, they lost that passion for spending an entire day decorating the house, so for the last five + years, the task has been left to me.  


I, too, am busy, tired, and exhausted and do not have the stamina to spend days decorating.  So, last year, I decided to wrap the entire tree in Saran Wrap.  This allowed me to literally pick up the tree and carry it downstairs without losing a single ornament AND it stayed dust free.

And this year, we literally carried that same tree right back to its previous location and only had to cut off the wrap and fluff a few branches.

I know some of you will say that placing each ornament on the tree is what makes the holiday decorating fun.  I used to think so as well - when I could enjoy the experience with my kids because it was a tradition.  We would each get a cup of hot cocoa, put on a Christmas show or music, and decorate away.  That no longer exists in my world with adult children. 

So, I have learned to embrace the season of change as my children have aged.

It is not all bad because I had the entire basement decorated in under 1/2 hour.  


To all of my teacher friends - you get this more than anyone.  These next few weeks are pure craziness at school (in a good way), but the holiday breaks make it doable. 


What a wonderful way to kick off the holiday season.  

Grandma Toni has performed at this concert for six years and it is a true pleasure each year we are able to attend.  The concert is held in the church which makes the acoustics fabulous.  Very well-done performance for a small-town group of individuals who love music.  


A friend had posted this recipe on her page and I thought it looked fantastic, so I am considering replacing my Thanksgiving and Christmas mimosas with this cocktail.  

We are spending the Thanksgiving holiday with Ireland, Jack, and Landen in Fargo.  Ireland told me she was going to make sure I had my annual mimosa for Thanksgiving morning.  I shared that I may shake things up and change my drink of choice.

I began to read the ingredients to her and Jack and when I got to the 4 ounces of Raspberry Vodka, they both started to laugh.  I commented that I thought the drink sounded really yummy!  They said they were not laughing because of the drink, but the lack of enough alcohol.  Ireland said that if there are over 6 cups of juice, there should be A LOT more than 4 ounces of vodka.  As she and Jack chuckled, they said this would be a perfect "Jenny bags" drink.


This time of year we are surrounded by visual stimuli that make one perceive that all is happy and full of joy.  
What happens when one does not feel the presence of happiness and joy during the holiday season? 

The seasons of Thanksgiving and Christmas can bring stressful holiday shopping, school concerts, preparing meals, holiday decorating, an over-indulgence of food, family tiffs, or the insecurity of finding the perfect gift.  These commonalities that we all experience can strip the joy and happiness from the season.  

Take time for YOU - and remember why we celebrate the season.  The chaos is certain; however, YOU have the ability to find your inner CALM despite the pandemonium circling you!  


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