Week #45


 With each passing sunrise and sunset, we are granted another day on this Earth, which gives us another opportunity to live life.  Every day can be overflowing with happy moments but also moments that make us want to give up the fight against our own thoughts.  I once told a friend that I wished I could just have a perfect life.  She so sweetly, and so lovingly, said that the day my life is perfect is the day I no longer need God.  Those words burned to the core (in a good way).  I will never forget that profound moment in my life.  This friend (Renee) gently nudged me in the right direction to grow in my faith, and I am incredibly grateful for our paths that intersected so many years ago.  She is truly one of the most amazing humans on Earth.


Love this pic of some of the senior class.  I know almost every kid in this picture, and they are such a wonderful group of young adults.  It is crazy that they will be graduating in less than 7 months.  I even had some of these sweethearts in my kindergarten class, which makes me feel really old.  

Well done, West River Community Center.  They have updated their exercise equipment -  which now syncs with my watch.  Since indoor exercise is difficult to accurately GPS, I used to have to take my watch off mid-run because it would say I ran longer than I had, and I didn't want to lie to myself, and when it would cut my run short, I would get annoyed. 
Now that it syncs with my watch, it is entirely accurate, and what it says on the machine is precisely what is recorded on my watch.  Something so simple just made my day.  They also have a Netflix login on this machine - I may walk for hours to get caught up on the several series I have started but not finished.  


If this kid thinks it would ever be a good idea to grow a horseshoe mustache - this will be the reminder - IT WOULD BE A REALLY BAD IDEA!


Put my watch on to take Aiden to the airport and look at the time!  


In all circumstances, be grateful for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
Thessalonians 5:18

I know this is not a big deal for many of you, but Aiden has never flown independently yet, so this is a big deal for his mama (not him).  As I took this picture of him walking into the airport by himself, it made me think of all of his firsts.  
As parents, when our children complete their firsts: 
first cry
first word
first step
first time sleeping through the night
first time on the toilet
first time recognizing their name
first time playing an organized sport

WE CELEBRATE and then WE CELEBRATE some more!

What I find interesting is that when they become teenagers/adults and complete their firsts, we no longer celebrate with cheers and praise, but we internalize feelings of uncertainty.  
The excitement of firsts is replaced with feelings of worry, anxiety, and wonder.

 For example, the first time driving, the first time going on a date, or the first time staying home alone overnight definitely did not bring feelings of joy and celebration.

  Don't get me wrong, I am so thankful my children are independent and desire for that, however, that                 does not diminish the feelings of heartache that are attached to those firsts.  


This may or may not be Aiden's second home next school year.  No decisions have been made, so only time will tell what he decides to do.


Seriously - we have a king-sized bed, and this is where Samson decides to sleep.  My hair is noticeable in the bottom left-hand corner, and Sam's head is right above mine.  Now, I would be ok if he would lay nice and quiet, but the licking....... THE... NEVERENDING... LICKING...!  


Fresh banana bread on this cold and snowy day.  Not sure my house could smell any better.  I am so thankful for days like these where I can take time to bake and clean my house. 

I am a much more lovely person when my house is clean.  Just ask anyone of my children or Greg, and they would agree that mom is much more pleasant when the house is in order.  It's the small things in life that bring me joy.  Our church has asked us to take photos that remind us of God's peace, His everlasting love, or his presence in our lives.  Today this photo (#StJohnjoy) brings me joy and happiness in the calm of a quiet day.  


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