Week #43


Miss Ireland and her love for traveling and exploring the world has inspired her to start her own travel blog.  She loves to share her passion with others as she has learned to travel to remote locations within a reasonable budget.  Feel free to check out her site at freefootprints.com
(It is much more professional-looking than my site- well-done Ireland Rae)


Sometimes you just have to take a pic because it makes you smile or laugh.  No other words are necessary!


Fall decorations are just the best.  I would say they are almost equal to Christmas decorations.  I am not sure if it is the colors or the warm cozy feeling they bring.  In my brain, I think I equate fall decorations with family and food, which brings comfort and joy.  We have hosted Thanksgiving for several years and my absolute favorite is waking up to dark skies with family sitting around the table drinking coffee (or mimosas).  There is NO better feeling!



This is one of my favorite pasta feeds we have for the kids because they all get dressed up.  Normally, we only see these kids in uniforms or running gear, so it is fun to see them looking so dapper and grown-up.

                 Neither of them has solidified their college plans as of yet, but are taking each                                                                    last moment and enjoying it to its fullest. 

This photo epitomizes what the sport is all about.  It is about creating relationships that last a lifetime, it's about bonding with your teammates, it's about supporting each other when you want to give up, it's about smiles, giggles, and tears all within a matter of minutes.  Such fun and sweet girls!


Long-haired friends - this hair wrap is super helpful if you struggle with keeping a towel on your head or if your hair takes forever to dry.  This absorbent towel prevents frizz and cuts drying time.  So worth the money!


Today is STATE cross country in Minot.  After the meet, I went to my weather app to see just how miserable the weather really was (20 ish mph winds and maybe 40 degrees).  This is what I found on my app.  It says that the weather is bad for running and you may want to sit this one out.  I just found it ironic that I saw this today when the kids had no option to sit this one out.  State meet goes on no matter the weather conditions (unless of course, it would be lightening).  Our DHS Midgets put their heart and soul into the meet despite what nature was offering.

My absolute favorite picture of the entire day.  I see so much love in this picture that my heart just cannot handle.  I cannot put into words what this meant to Greg and Aiden.  Instead of trying to express what this day meant, I am going to copy Greg's post he made to Facebook because his words are straight from a dad and coach's heart.

I have cried several times today knowing it was our last.  I want to thank Greg for committing his time and energy to not just our own kid but to several others that I hope he has made an impact on as well.  I can say with honesty that we had many tough conversations at home and all was not rosy.  It is not easy living with your coach; however, days like today make it all worth it.

When Greg quit coaching basketball so many years ago, the family was devastated and sad that it was over, but I now believe that this was God's plan all along.  HE knew our Aiden was going to be a runner long before we ever knew Aiden's potential.  Had Greg never quit coaching basketball, he would have never taken up coaching cross country.  So, what we perceived as a major setback, actually turned into one of our greatest blessings.  
HE, so perfectly orchestrated what was to come.


This moment.
This team.
This meet.  

Will remain etched in my memory for years to come.


Ending my week with one of my favorite snacks.  Notice it says 70 calories per serving.  Light snack unless you eat almost the entire bag in one sitting while doing homework and watching Hallmark Christmas movies.  NO shame!  

May all of my teacher friends be blessed with a calm week and calm students - Happy Halloween Week!


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