Week #40


Wild turkeys in the middle of Edina, MN.  

As we were getting ready to leave the cities on Monday morning, we encountered these wild turkeys just strutting through someone's yard in the middle of the city.
I know it seems like no big deal, but it made me realize that even though the city is NOT a conducive place for wild turkeys, they somehow ended up there without reason.  Luckily, they will continue to travel until they find themselves in an environment that allows them to thrive.

Of course, I related these turkeys to humans.  At times, we find ourselves in unknown territory.  This unknown territory can include....
-our career path
-our family dynamic
-our financial situation
-our faith life
-our health journey

So many of these unknown territories are unpredictable and cannot be resolved in a few minutes, a few hours, a few days, a few months, or even a few years.  However, just as the turkeys will keep moving to find a better habitat to develop and grow, we must do the same.  We should not give up when we are thrust into the middle of an unknown territory because this will occur for each and every one of us.  None of us are immune to the challenges and hardships of the unknown territories we will encounter, but our reaction to those trials is what will guide our attitude through the process.

This is what happens when you come home over a long weekend and have not considered turning the air conditioner off and the heat on.  Pretty sure our house has never been this cold, EVER.  Welcome fall (and it seems winter).


I am pretty proud of this young man.  He was chosen as a Teen of the Week for MDU Resources.  The article was published in the Bismarck Tribune, where Aiden gave a shout-out to Greg and I, which was super nice and unexpected.  
Sometimes this parenting thing does provide some rewards (hahahaha). 
If you are interested in reading the article, I have attached the link below.  


And then this little gem turned 22!  It is completely incomprehensible that she could be 22 already.  I feel like she just entered the world, was whisked away on an airplane, had surgery, and has since lived a life full of fun and adventure.

I just wonder if her early travels in a helicopter and airplane at only hours old created a passion for travel.  She is our adventurer who is not afraid to leave the country and essentially hitch-hike (thank goodness her mother did not know about this at the time) to find beauty that could not be found on foot.  As much as her free-spirit causes me stress and anxiety, I am grateful that she is not scared of the unknown.  She has seen more of God's beautiful creations than I probably ever will because of her free-spirit.
Keep living life to its fullest, Ireland Rae!  


  As I went through my undergrad degree (elementary education), the concept of self-care was not addressed at all.  
 However, when I went through my school counseling degree, it was hammered into our heads the importance of self-care.  In my opinion, educators do not take care of themselves.  It is hard to take care of others when we ourselves are run down and tired (by the way, this also applies to moms and dads).  Society has taught us that taking care of our own mental health is selfish and unnecessary.  For some of us, self-care might look like....

          getting your hair done
          betting on horses (Greg)
          taking naps
          cooking (definitely not a self-care practice for me)
          binge-watching Netflix
          coffee with friends
          coffee with family
          coffee in general
          pretty much anything that brings you relaxation and enjoyment

*DO NOT apologize for practicing self-care!  It is absolutely necessary for you to keep doing what you love! 


Final homecoming for this mama.  These adorable seniors made the homecoming court, which made their final homecoming a bit more special.
I look at them and see such promise for their futures.  They are both very driven individuals who have big plans for their lives, which I cannot wait to see unfold.
So, from the fall of their kindergarten year, to the fall of their senior year, these two have remained friends.  Such a sweet relationship they have.  


I am so thankful I have a handy son, Landen.  This kid (well actually a 25-year-old), comes home to hang out with his parents and we put him to work.  He installed this light fixture, with the ceiling being approximately 15-16 feet tall.  In classic Jung fashion, we put the ladder on top of the table to accomplish this task.  Super safe, I know, but we got the job done and I love my light.  Thanks Landen for always taking care of the little jobs (or maybe big jobs) at home.  We truly appreciate it.  


From summer to fall, this road is traveled by many.  It is rare to not see people on this sidewalk.  This path is by Dickinson State University and is one of my favorite places to walk or run.  Of course, during these two seasons, it is the most beautiful.  Just for fun, I should take pictures in the winter and spring for comparison (stay tuned).  Beauty and charm exist all around us if we just take the time to recognize it.

Even with the weather forecast of snow for the week, be joyful you can experience it as there are many who cannot.  Happy Sunday to you all! 


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