Week #37


I went for a quick walk before the rain began again and noticed that the dandelion seeds are ready to disperse once again this season.  Dandelions are weeds, hardy weeds, that seem to continually annoy homeowners who are working hard to rid their lawn of them.  However, the dandelion does not know that it is a weed and just produces as it should to remain in existence.

I think of the many times one of my children picked handful after handful of dandelions or students who proudly and joyfully handed them to me after recess.  The pure innocence of a child only saw what they perceived as a beautiful yellow flower.  

Imagine if we all saw others through the lens of a child. 



Imagine if each and every person we met, we could see and accept them just as they are !


Full moon --------------Friday the 13th

I know you heard about this all week.  My educator friends will totally agree with me that there is something to be said about a full moon.  In my early days of teaching, I used to think that was a joke and thought there was no correlation.  

But seriously, there is a connection to a full moon and behavioral changes in students and adults.  This phenomenon does not only exist with the full moon but also with any drastic changes in the weather. When we have some tough days at school, we often joke that there is a snowstorm right around the corner.  I cannot say this week leading up to the full moon was anything out of the ordinary, but maybe just maybe we were all prepared and ready for it:)


Oh, how I remember this day.  I can say with certainty that any of you old enough to remember that day, remembers exactly where you were in that moment you heard the news.  
This day holds a special place in our hearts and those that were directly or indirectly impacted.  Unfortunately, this event will forever be etched in our minds.  


I really had to think about this for a while and I cannot say that just one person comes to mind.  I think I have been blessed with so many people placed on my path for inspiration.  I do not think it is coincidental that specific men, women, or children were brought into my life to help me grow.  Those who have inspired me are not necessarily by best friends or family, they tend to be those who challenge me to think and act differently.  

Is it possible that YOU might be the person that inspires others?


Pure resiliency at its finest.  

This small, weak tree is NOT giving up despite the harsh North Dakota winds.  
I look at this tree and think "you got this, stay strong!"
Yet, when you look at the other trees it almost seems unfair that just that one is struggling. 

But.................. isn't that life?  Some of us struggle more than others, some of us are faced with challenges that are unthinkable to others, some of us seem to always get the short end of the stick; however, we are designed to be resilient just like the trees in nature.  

One of this tree's many obstacles is the ND wind (which is frequent and brutal at times) and yet it remains resilient and continues to survive because it does NOT give up.

?????????    Resilient   ?????????
Only you can make that decision.


I only have four more of these races to watch this season.  I apologize for the overload of cross country pictures, but I am going to savor each and every moment until the last.  
He had himself a few extras at the meet today as Ireland, Grandma Toni, Kristin, and Piper also came to watch.  Such a wonderful day at McDowell Dam (and to my knowledge, Aiden did not jump in the dam to make $20, which he has done before).  


I have a ridiculous amount of work to complete, yet I want to spend some time outdoors today as
there is no guarantee this beautiful weather will last.
 I asked Aiden if he was going to run and if so, could I tag along and ride my bike.  He said he only had four miles to go, which is not too long, but not too short.  

I snapped the first picture and we took off, me on the bike and Aiden on his legs.  When I sat down to write this week's post, I noticed the second photo in my pictures, which I can assume I accidentally took when I was putting my phone away.  Funny, because the saying was a perfect reminder for me to see today, as I pondered not having the time to spend with Aiden or engage in self-care for myself.

Please remember to deliberately make time for FUN - life is so much more than our work or career.


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