Week #36


 Scientist Greg confirmed that this is a centipede, not a millipede.  

Centipede = one set of legs per body segment
Millipede = two sets of legs per body segment

Who would have guessed this blog could also be educational?

Normally, I find these things dead under a couch or in a corner.
Nope not today, I found this little treasure crawling on the counter in our bathroom. In my quest of capturing a video of this creature to share with you all, I somehow chased it over the edge of the counter and it landed on the ground.  Well, long story short, this quick little bugger hit the ground and literally disappeared.  In my head, the only logical place for him to go would be under the baseboard and into the wall or under the flooring (please, please let us hope that is what happened).   
Darn me for allowing him to get away and torture me with his possible existence close to my bedroom.


YES, you see that correctly.  I told you every time I get into a vehicle, it is running on fumes.  According to Aiden, I could make it to Richardton and back and then some with the gas light on. Seriously, just once could I get in and not have to fill.   


Do you know why you are here? 

Why were you born into the family you were?
Why did you grow up in the community in which you were raised?
Why did that perfect boyfriend/girlfriend break up with you?
Why did you choose to participate or not in student athletics?
Why did you give of yourself to get nothing in return?
Why did you go to college or not?
Why did you miss the opportunity to work at your dream job?
Why did you choose your life partner?
 Why did you put up walls to protect yourself?
Why did you have children when you did?
Why did you feel the loss of a loved one?
Why did you have to go through parenting hardships?
Why did you choose the career path you are on?
Why did you choose to challenge yourself?

Have you determined why you are here? 

Each 'why' has carved a, sometimes questionable, path for you to understand your 'why'.  

My 'why' might be different or similar to your 'why'.  However, each 'why' is important to become the best you were designed to be.  Do not be afraid to live your 'why' even if it feels out of your comfort zone.  Someone bigger than you knows 'why' you were created and HE is patiently waiting for you to realize it.


 SHOUT-OUT to Michigan !!!
I sure hope all states follow and ban these devices.  As an educator, I see first-hand the impact vaping has on students.  Unfortunately, they are super easy to obtain and to hide making it easier for kids to become addicted.  They are also relatively inexpensive and can look like a USB flash drive or even an apple watch.  Scary stuff !  If you have a teenager, take time to research the types of vape pens/devices that are commonplace in our communities.


Until next year Medora Musical.  We had tickets to attend the final show on Saturday, but with the weather forecast for rain all day, we decided to go on Friday night.  Such a beautiful evening with an amazing performance.  Several years ago we bought our first season passes, which turned out to be a summer blessing.  So, we have continued the tradition and never tire of it.  We are sad to see another wonderful year come to an end.  Thanks, Medora Musical cast and crew for creating and performing this gem in the southwest corner of the state.


The first signs of fall on the large tree in our front yard.  Fall is my favorite season and I look forward to it every year.  There is something about cool mornings, autumn colors, big sweaters, lattes (oh wait, lattes are a staple every day of the year for me), and the warm homey feel in our house.  I wished we could bypass the supposed 'polar coaster' that the Farmer's Almanac is predicting for this winter.  Now..... that I am not looking forward too.


WalMart pickup - why have I never used you or considered using you?

For all of you more advanced shoppers, just bypass the explanation below.  Clearly, Greg and I are a bit behind the times.

I had no idea how easy this process would be and how much time it would save.  I ordered all of my items yesterday online (very quickly) and set the pickup time for 9:00 am after church this morning.  At 8:58 I received a text telling me that my order was ready.  I went to the WalMart grocery app and told them I was on my way.  Their app tracks where I am so they are aware of how long it will take me to arrive (genius).  Once I arrived at the pickup line, you pick your parking spot and tell them the color of your car, so you are easy to find.
And...... out comes a sweet WalMart employee with all of our items on a cart.  
We were home by 9:16! 
Thank you Lindsey Gullickson for suggesting this when I was complaining to you yesterday about having to spend an hour in WalMart!  
These are the small things in life that make me happy!


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