Week #34


Several Dickinson folks took pictures of this beautiful sight on Monday night and posted them on Facebook, which is exactly what I did.  Due to its size, it was impossible to miss this lovely creation made by nature.  In the middle of this massive cloud, it looks like there is an gigantic opening.  I imagine that opening is what the gates of heaven look like - so inviting, glorious, peaceful, majestic, and welcoming.  


Humans often spend time focusing on what they do not have and how they can acquire what they perceive they are lacking.  If you really evaluate what we need, it is actually very little.  Society teaches us from an early age that we need a bigger house, an SUV instead of a car, unlimited vacations across the world, or expensive dinners out.  I am guilty of this!  I have wanted something, worked for it, and then realized it wasn't as great as I thought it would be and then wanted something else.  If I use materialistic means to feel grateful, then the cycle will never end.  Take time to evaluate what you value and how it makes you feel, and you might just recognize that you have so much more than you ever knew existed.


It has been my observation that the only time this car has a full tank of gas is when I fill it.  I swear every time I jump into one of our three vehicles, they need gas.  Aiden and Greg believe in waiting until that gas light comes on and then you fill.  Aiden actually was trying to convince me that he could likely go for 100 miles with the gas light on in the Subaru.  Can you guess who he will call first when he runs out of gas?????  

Imagine that......... I am type A and the boys are type B.  


Well, today is the day I have dreaded since that sweet little kindergartner began his educational journey at Jefferson Elementary in Mrs. Crystal Hoerner's class.  
As a senior, he is allowed to take an off period which happens to be first hour, so he does not start school until 10:10 am.  However, I made him get out of bed before I left for school to capture the final first day of school picture.  After I spent time comparing the photos, I noticed that the shorts he is wearing as a kinder are probably as long as the ones he has on as a senior.

Oh, how the style has changed over the years!  

on the first day of his senior year!

  • Your senior year will be filled with frustration, uncertainty, stress, obligations, and a whole lot of fun.  Embrace those enjoyable moments as those will be branded in your memory for a lifetime.
  • Senior year is not all it is cracked up to be.  Seniors walk around like they own the school, but remember you were once an underclassman.  Reach out to those younger students and help them feel welcome and wanted in the unfamiliar, scary new world of high school.
  • Continue chasing adventure and live each day like it is your last.
  • You DO NOT know everything about life.  I know you think you have it all figured out, but you are just beginning your journey toward self-discovery.  Be open to adults suggestions as they will have your best interest at heart.
  • Try something out of your comfort zone and understand that if you fail, you are working toward finding yourself and what makes you happy.  There is not one failure deemed as bad.  There are many lessons to be learned in those not-so-welcome moments.
  • Always give a firm handshake (that tells a lot about a person's confidence).
  • Jesus will love you regardless of your questionable choices.  His love will never fail you.  
  • Be the best YOU possible.  Do not try to copy others as there is ONLY one you!  No one can represent that person better than you------ as you were intentionally designed by God.
  • Your mother's love is soooo much deeper and intense then you will ever know.
  • Always look for the good in people because there is always something.
  • A positive attitude can change your perspective on many of life's challenges.
  • Dream big young man as your dreams today can become your reality tomorrow!
  • Your character is what makes an impact on others, not your grades, sporting accomplishments, what clothes you wear, or what kind of car you drive.
  • As much as it hurts my heart to think of you leaving, I know that independence is what you desire and deserve.
  • NEVER, EVER lose your passion!


Somethings just don't make sense to me.  

For example, sending me a check worth .75 cents because I overpaid on my Sam's Club card.  Synchrony Bank, if you would look at my purchasing history, you would know that I will be coming back and charging a ridiculous amount in less than one month ---- just saying.  Instead of wasting paper, ink, an envelope, and postage costs, you could leave the large surplus of .75 cents in my account until I make my next purchase because I promise you I will be back.
 Thank goodness I can remote deposit this bad boy because I would not want to waste anyone's time helping me at the bank with this super important transaction.


Let the season begin!  Williston, ND

Cross country runners truly are an inspiration to me.  

Today, I witnessed runners who gave it their all, I witnessed a runner cross the finish line with blood running down his face, I witnessed a runner who began vomiting and continued to run, I witnessed runners who never gave up despite the pain, I witnessed fans and teammates who cheered and supported every single runner regardless of their finish time or talent, I witnessed proud parents, and I witnessed more heart in a two hour period than I have in a long time.  Can you tell I love this sport?



Why do we spend so much time worrying?  

  Worrying about something does not change the ultimate outcome of the situation.  It only causes anxiety, discomfort, and stress for the person worrying. 

Changing my worrying tendencies has been on my to-do list for years.  I can tell you that purposeful practice to remain calm is super helpful even when my internal voice is telling me to worry.  I try to leave no room for worry, as I have no control of the outcome anyway and I am learning to trust that God is in complete control.


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