Week #33


It always amazes me when vegetation grows in the least likely of places and in less than ideal growing conditions. This is an indication that growth in plants or humans can and will occur in many different areas, and under many circumstances that seem unlikely.  

If a seed can sprout and grow in the stump of a tree, then we can surely grow where we are planted regardless of the obstacles that we face.  We control our ability to sprout and grow into our purpose!  

What a fantastic gift that we are all given. 


Apartment dwellers who live below someone probably feel this way.  

This picture made me think of Ireland's senior trip to Seattle (which included Nikki and Taylor Privratsky and Carla and McKenzie Mortensen).  We rented an Airbnb condo in downtown Seattle for the six of us.  It was in a great location and close to everything; however, the neighbor downstairs literally came to our door, complaining we were making too much noise.  We were gone all day, and upon returning, we were too tired to engage in anything more than a quick shower.  I am not sure how we had time to ruin his life by existing from the hours of 8pm to 7am.  

 He truly made us feel like we were jumping and dancing around with bricks on our feet.  It still cracks me up  - he was sooooo mad!


One of my favorite summertime snacks.  Each time I sit down to consume the entire bag (although I do not eat the whole pod - only the peas inside), I am reminded of my childhood days of being sent out to weed the garden.  Even though I looked busy, my weeding time was really spent eating peas from the garden.  I was telling Greg my garden adventures and how it brought back such fond memories for me.  He proceeded to tell me that he has fond memories of gardens as well.  Apparently, he and his friends spent their summer days raiding the gardens of the residents in his small town of New England.  Sometimes, the produce was eaten, sometimes the produce was strategically placed on one's doorstep, or possibly used a football, basketball, baseball or soccer ball. 
(He would like for me to put in a disclaimer that they NEVER ruined anyone's garden).  

 Oh, how different our garden memories are!  


These are such wise words!

Never be ashamed of mistakes as they are nature's way of moving you in a direction that possibly would not happen otherwise. 

 On the flip side, achievement should build quiet confidence, not arrogance.  


JOY - still one of the best coffee shops in Dickinson.  Aiden and I spent Friday morning sipping on delicious lattes and just talking back-to-school, money, college, cross country, work, Samson, stocks and bonds (which I know absolutely nothing about), senior pictures, and just life in general. It is such a blessing that he will spend time with his mama!  


Girls' Team
Boys' Team

AND............................................... SO IT BEGINS!


Time trial for the Dickinson Cross Country Team!
I can tell you with honesty that if my child were not running, I would NEVER, EVER stand out in the cold to watch kids run in a few large circles.  
However, I have come to love this sport with my every being and want to enjoy all of the freezing cold and ridiculously hot days of watching this group of runners.  

This beautiful place never loses its magic, although the 49 degree temps made it a little less enjoyable. You know you are die-hards when you order tickets knowing the temps will dip below 50 degrees.  Time #6 (and hopefully, we can sneak in a couple more before the season finale).



 I made this sign for my office door.  When students or staff come looking for me, (if I remember to move the magnetic succulent) it can let them know my whereabouts!  

As I looked at this poster, I wondered.......................................................WHERE AM I?

In the physical sense....................

I am on Earth
I am in the United States
I am in the state of North Dakota
I am in the city of Dickinson
I am in my split-foyer home on 11th street
I am sitting on my couch in my upstairs living room

But really........................................................................................WHERE AM I?

Where am I on my faith journey?

Where am I as a wife?

Where am I as a Christian?

Where am I as a mother?

Where am I as a principal/counselor?

Where am I as a friend?

Where am I as a co-worker?

Where am I as a neighbor?

Where am I as a daughter?

Where am I as a sister?

Where am I as a community member?

Wow, this is a lot to think about.  

If given a scale of 1-10 for each of the above questions, each scale would look different.  Some of my scales would edge close to a 10, but others are teetering on the edge of a 1 or 2.
1       2       3       4        5        6        7        8        9       10
                                    negative                                                                 positive 
                                    not engaged                                                           engaged 
                                    unkind                                                                   kind
                                    not supportive                                                       supportive
                                    no faith                                                                  strong faith
                                    unfair                                                                     fair
                                    not helpful                                                             helpful
                                    unfriendly                                                              friendly

Each day is a new day to try and move each individual slider closer to the positive side.  I am very aware (as a realist) that not all of my scales can or will reach a perfect 10 and that is acceptable.  As long as I strive to be better than I was the day before, I am OK with that!

If you had to ask yourself one question from above and place yourself on the scale, are you comfortable with the outcome and is there room for growth?
Remember if a plant can grow in a dead tree stump, we can grow anywhere!


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