Week #32


Hampton Inn in Bismarck serves Wildberry Pomegranate Greek Yogurt Smoothies.  I have never been in a hotel that offered these lovely treats.  It makes up for the crappy cup of hotel coffee.


  I truly cannot remember a time when I have been in a vehicle during a hail storm.  This was small hail in comparison to what we sometimes see in North Dakota, but I would rather not be outside in these conditions.  It is crazy how the weather changes when a storm rolls through and how quickly the temperature drops.  It was very warm in Bismarck just prior to this rain.

If you look closely at the photos of the city temps, you will notice those photos were taken at 5:18.  Those of you who read my blog last week will understand the connection.  I wished I knew why I was meant to be in that place at that time????



As Aiden and I were walking, he noticed this imprint of a leaf in the concrete.  He mentioned it and we spent a couple of seconds looking at it and continued on with our walk.  During the next quarter of a mile, Aiden shared that when he was on his mission trip one of his counselors (Laney) reminded the kids to notice the small things in life and know that God is present at all times (the good and the bad). So, when he noticed this small imprint he was reminded of God's presence in his life.  I was surprised by his response and asked if we could go back and take a picture for my daily blog post picture.  

When I started my picture a day at the beginning of 2019, my focus was to find the beauty all around me even if it is small and seemingly insignificant to others.  This photo is just a reminder that a small imprint of a leaf in concrete can mean soooooo much more.  


This is what texting looks like when you have been married for 27 years.  I'm shopping, he reminds me to buy the essentials, I ask him to start getting dinner ready......gosh, we are a ball of fun!

Ireland sent the 1st text and Jack responded.  I guess this is what texting looks like when you are engaged.  


I wished I would have noted who I stole this from off of my Facebook feed - so I apologize to one of my friends that I cannot give credit to for posting this great thought-provoking post.

As I have aged, I have come to understand that what I do or don't do is 100% in my court.  I cannot rely on others to make me happy, healthy, smart or fit.  I MUST wake up and put one foot in front of the other to accomplish what I want most.  At times those footsteps will accumulate many miles to achieve just one small task and that is OK as long as each step brings me closer to my ultimate goal.


As we now have all adult children, it is not very often that any of our kids are home at the same time.  This weekend happened to be Landen's weekend at home and we took advantage of our time together by going for a couple of walks.  What I love about our leisurely time together is that we are all unplugged (unless Aiden gets a Snap from Macy or Greg gets a text from one of his cross runners).  There is something about being in nature (and sweating) that brings out the conversation in us.  We talk about everything from world events to what we are craving for dinner.  

I think back to when my kids were little and wished I would have had the energy and time to go for these walks.  Our extra time was spent running from one activity to the next, doing laundry for a family of five, cleaning the bathrooms for the 100th time, updating the calendar of activities, and making sure there was enough toilet paper in the house.  I am not suggesting this time is wasted on my adult children, I just wished I could have had these same meaningful conversations when they were developing in their formative years.  


When I go into a hip coffee shop and see people working on their computers, I often think -  I should do that.  Well, today is the day I stopped thinking I should do it and I just did it.  I brought my computer into Dunn Brothers, bought myself an iced coffee, and began back-to-school planning.  There is something to be said about working in an environment outside of your home or office.  It is refreshing and relaxing all at the same time and really doesn't even feel like work.  This might be my new Sunday hangout!

Happy week ahead!


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