Week #31


In the society in which we live, we are expected to be better than average.  

Why is average not good enough?  

I pondered this thought for many hours wondering what it means to be average and is there such a thing as average.  In statistical terms, yes you can find an average for everything: gpa, pace when running, teacher pay in the state of ND (which is increasing by the way) or sporting statistics.  

HOWEVER, what does 'average' actually mean when one is talking about human productivity or personal accomplishments?  When we compare ourselves to others and think that we need to be better, be more, or above average, we are in a constant state of self-defeating thoughts and actions. 

The goal should be to strive for improvement and that should be enough!


Love to see updates on our mission trippers.  Thanks to the chaperones (Kaitlyn, Laney, Rachel, Chase, and Trevor) for their week-long dedication and demanding a technology-free week.  Their guidance and leadership is definitely appreciated!  Our kids would not be able to engage in such meaningful work and build relationships with their peers if it weren't for the commitment of these adults.  Thank you all !


This quote does not need any additional interpretation other than to spend some time thinking about how this applies to your own life and specific desire.


This might be a long post so apologies at the beginning. 

I have always jokingly said that 518 is my favorite number because it is my birthday along with Greg's.  How ironic is it that we share the same birthday?

Anyway, in 2012, I was going through a challenging period as a parent.  I often did not sleep and struggled to accomplish daily tasks outside of work (my job is what kept me sane).  I noticed for several months during this period of struggle that I would see 5:18 on the clock when I would randomly wake up in the morning or when making dinner in the evening.  I would set my alarm for 6:00 am and when I awoke it would be 5:18.  When I was making dinner and I glanced at the clock, many times it showed 5:18.  After several episodes of seeing this 5:18, I finally woke up one morning at 5:18 and thought there must be a Bible verse that is attached to 5:18 that is meant for me to read.  
So, I jumped out of bed at 5:18 and went to my computer to attempt to find a 5:18 verse. 
Guess what???? 

 I found Thessalonians 5:18!

In all circumstances, be grateful for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.  

Oh my goodness did I need this at this time of my life.  Even though I had no interest in spending time in a challenging situation, I knew that this is where God needed me at this time.  His plan for me was so much bigger than the plan I had for myself.  

 I wished I would have counted the number of times I have seen the time of 5:18 since that first realization that God was telling me something I needed to hear loud and clear.  The kids and Greg even point out the time when they see it because it has been such a big part of my life and it is a great reminder that we all need to be grateful in all circumstances (even if they are less than desirable).

As you can see from the photo above, I woke up randomly Thursday morning at 5:18 with my alarm set for 6:15.  It was registration day at school, so I think God was reminding my that I am blessed to have a job that I love.

Each and every time I see 5:18, I recite the verse in my head and sometimes out loud.

Just a fun fact:  

As a teenager, I had to read in church.  I was trying to pronounce Thessalonians and could not do it.  First, I looked at my mom for help and then tried again to pronounce it and I just couldn't get it out right. How embarrassing for a teenager to mess up a word more than one time in front of the entire congregation.   Father Schumacher actually made light of the situation when he began his gospel by saying that Thessalonians is a hard word to pronounce.  Of course, I cried after and was mortified (especially because my boyfriend was sitting in the pews).  Teenage trauma - or so I thought so at the time.

So, in 2012 when I realized this profound, most-perfect verse was from Thessalonians it did not surprise me.  

Maybe, just maybe God was trying to show me this verse back when I was in high school ?????? I would be curious to know if it was actually 5:18.


Summer fog is just beautiful and mysterious at the same time.  


Do you see that lone cornstalk?  As Greg and I were walking, I noticed this singleton and couldn't help but wonder how it must feel to be outside the planted field of corn.  I know that cornstalks do not have feelings, but it made me feel sad for it (I know I seem really weird right now).

As I examined my weird feelings about this plant, I realized that this isolated cornstalk is how many of us feel at times in life. Sometimes we feel excluded from the group and try desperately to become a member of that elite faction, yet it seems impossible.
We feel like an outsider in a world of people who are just like us.  We feel ostracized and alone!

I tried to see the positive in this loner and see that resilience has allowed the stalk to grow and flourish.  Despite being detached, this outsider continues to thrive. Just as we should!  We do not need the acceptance of others to help us become who we are intended to be and the good we can do for the world.

When we feel isolated and deserted by those around us and try to function on an island of our own, we must remember that this difficult season will pass and new seasons of growth are right around the corner.


Morning thunderstorms are my favorite.  I should rephrase that - morning thunderstorms with little to no wind and no hail are my favorites.

There is something so peaceful about rain during the day - the sound, the smell and the feeling.


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